

評分 5.0 (6) · 免費 · Windows f.lux warms up your screen at night to help you relax and wind down before bed. Created in 2008 to help screens look more like a book, f.lux is now informed ...

【心得】【介面優化】f.lux 主動減少電腦螢幕藍光解決眼睛疲勞win10 ...

f.lux 藍光亮度自動調節工具白天/黑夜軟體下載:https://justgetflux.com/ windows 10 已經有夜間模式,可以降低藍光,讓瀏覽網頁眼睛舒適那我還 ...


Is your computer keeping you up late? f.lux is a free download that warms up your computer display at night, to match your indoor lighting. Welcome to f.lux · F.lux your lights · F.lux Corporate Edition · F.A.Q.

Welcome to f.lux

f.lux creates a custom lighting schedule for you that changes every day throughout the year. By moving the sliders, you can fine tune the colors to fit your ...

Welcome to f.lux for macOS

The f.lux preferences window lets you change and preview settings. There are several presets you can choose from. f.lux will default to the Recommended colors ...

What's new with f.lux

This new f.lux version indicates the times of day that light is likely to make you later or earlier, so if you open the Preferences screen at night you will see ...

【f.lux下载】2024年最新官方正式版f.lux 免费下载

软件详情. f.lux是一款可以根据时间自动调整频幕色温的护眼软件。一般我们到了中午的时候光线会上最强的时候,f.lux会帮你的自动调整到让你眼睛舒服的状态。






評分5.0(6)·免費·Windowsf.luxwarmsupyourscreenatnighttohelpyourelaxandwinddownbeforebed.Createdin2008tohelpscreenslookmorelikeabook,f.luxisnowinformed ...,f.lux藍光亮度自動調節工具白天/黑夜軟體下載:https://justgetflux.com/windows10已經有夜間模式,可以降低藍光,讓瀏覽網頁眼睛舒適那我還 ...,Isyourcomputerkeepingyouuplate?f.luxisafreedownloadthatwarmsupyourcomputerdisplayatnight,tomatchyourindoorli...