
C库函数-fclose().C标准库-.描述.C库函数intfclose(FILE*stream)关闭流stream。刷新所有的缓冲区。声明.下面是fclose()函数的声明。,Closesthefileassociatedwiththestreamanddisassociatesit.Allinternalbuffersassociatedwiththestreamaredisassociatedfromitandflushed:the ...,Closesthegivenfilestream.AnyunwrittenbuffereddataareflushedtotheOS.Anyunreadbuffereddataarediscarded.,fclose函式會關閉st...

C 库函数– fclose()

C 库函数- fclose(). C 标准库- <stdio.h>. 描述. C 库函数int fclose(FILE *stream) 关闭流stream。刷新所有的缓冲区。 声明. 下面是fclose() 函数的声明。


Closes the file associated with the stream and disassociates it. All internal buffers associated with the stream are disassociated from it and flushed: the ...


Closes the given file stream. Any unwritten buffered data are flushed to the OS. Any unread buffered data are discarded.


fclose 函式會關閉 stream 。 如果 stream 為 NULL ,將會叫用無效參數處理常式,如參數驗證 (部分機器翻譯) 中所述。 若允許繼續執行, fclose 會將 errno ...

fclose(3) - Linux manual page

The fclose() function flushes the stream pointed to by stream (writing any buffered output data using fflush(3)) and closes the underlying file descriptor.

CC++ fclose 用法與範例

本篇ShengYu 介紹C/C++ fclose 的用法與範例,檔案的讀取或寫入都需要先開檔,有開檔就有關檔,fopen 開檔對應的關檔函式就是fclose 。

fclose ()-關閉串流

fclose() 函數會關閉stream所指向的串流。 在關閉串流之前,此函數會先刪除與串流相關聯的所有緩衝區。 當它關閉串流時,該函數會釋放系統保留的任何緩衝區。 當二進位串流 ...

fclose 或fflush 子常式

說明. 弗關閉子常式會將緩衝資料寫入串流參數指定的串流,然後關閉串流。 當呼叫結束子常式時,會針對所有開啟的檔案自動呼叫弗關閉子常式。

fclose - Manual

It is very important to make sure you clear any incoming packets out of the incoming buffer using fread() or some equivalent. Although you can call fclose() the ...