
FileDropallowsyoutoquicklytransferfiles/directoriestoanothercomputerviaFileDrop/SFTP/FTP.Thefiles/directoriesareacceptedandrenamed/stored ...,FileDropallowsyoutoquicklytransferfiles/directoriestoanothercomputerviaFileDrop/SFTP/FTP.Thefiles/directoriesareacceptedandrenamed/stored ...,SendandreceivefilesofanysizeinstantlywithWebRTC.,概述.Filedrop是在由Filedrop開發類別MiscellaneousShareware軟體。...

在Mac App Store 上的「FileDrop: Quick File Transfer」

FileDrop allows you to quickly transfer files/directories to another computer via FileDrop/SFTP/FTP. The files/directories are accepted and renamed/stored ...

FileDrop: Quick File Transfer on the Mac App Store

FileDrop allows you to quickly transfer files/directories to another computer via FileDrop/SFTP/FTP. The files/directories are accepted and renamed/stored ...

Send and receive files of any size instantly with WebRTC.

Filedrop 1.1.5

概述. Filedrop 是在由Filedrop開發類別Miscellaneous Shareware 軟體。 它是由我們用戶端應用程式更新期間的最後一個月的使用者更新94 次進行檢查。 最新版本是Filedrop ...


FileDrop is a sidebar app for Google Sheets, Docs and Slides. With it you can insert any file type you need in your Google Sheets cells. The files will be saved ... Learn FileDrop · Mastering FileDrop · Plans & Pricing · Get Starte

DataFormats.FileDrop 欄位(System.Windows)

使用此格式,即可在拖放作業期間與殼層檔案拖曳互動。 類別和其他實IDataObject 作介面的類別會使用此DataObject 欄位來描述可用的資料格式 ...

DataFormats.FileDrop Field (System.Windows)

Use this format to interact with shell file drags during drag-and-drop operations. This field is used by the DataObject class and other classes that ...


評分 4.1 (46) FileDrop is a productivity suite to manage files, extract text, and process files. Available as an add-on and online web app, see our website for all the ...


Filedrop 是一個輕巧可愛的應用程式,只要不同的電腦或裝置使用同一個網路,Filedrop 就可以快速建立連線,使用者直接以拖曳的方式即可進行檔案傳輸,相當方便 ...

文叔叔免費傳檔案網站,最大 40GB 免費傳

文叔叔免費傳檔案網站,最大 40GB 免費傳


小鹿快傳 簡單安全高效的 P2P 文件傳輸服務

小鹿快傳 簡單安全高效的 P2P 文件傳輸服務



