Cydia Tweak




Flame provides various improvements to the user experience of Cydia to make it more enjoyable. Currently, Flame offers many great features such as:


Cydia. by Jay Freeman (saurik). “the alternative to apps”. Flame. 1.3. 367 kB. Author. Adit Kamath. com.aditkamath.flame BigBoss · Tweaks.

Export list(s) of sources andor tweaks (like Flame for Cydia)

2019年5月3日 — Exporting sources/packages was implemented by @JAKESNAKE523 in PR #40. I'm going to work on a way to implement #29 so that we can import and ...

[Cydia for iOS必裝]增強Cydia全面進化!去掉Cydia廣告與 ...

... Cydia iOS9 插件, Cydia插件 / 2018-06-03 / 作者: 瘋先生 / cydia 廣告, cydia 載入速度, Flame cydia, Flame tweak, Flame 中文化, iOS cydia flame, iOS Cydia tweak ...

Flame lets you customize Cydia to your liking

2016年2月13日 — Flame, which takes advantage of this, is about giving you the ability to customize your Cydia user interface to your liking. The tweak comes ...


2018年8月7日 — Make Cydia Yours • Package: Flame • com.aditkamath.flame • BigBoss • Cydia iOS Repository Updates for Jailbroken iPhone iPad or iPod.

[Beta] Flame - Make Cydia Yours

2015年12月27日 — Make Cydia yours with Flame. Flame provides various improvements to the user experience of Cydia to make it more enjoyable.

[Question] how to export your tweak list using flame?

2019年3月5日 — Go to Cydia, select the 'Installed' tab on the bottom bar, select the folder glyph on the top left, choose what you want to export which prompts ...


FlameprovidesvariousimprovementstotheuserexperienceofCydiatomakeitmoreenjoyable.Currently,Flameoffersmanygreatfeaturessuchas:,Cydia.byJayFreeman(saurik).“thealternativetoapps”·Tweaks.,2019年5月3日—Exportingsources/packageswasimplementedby@JAKESNAKE523inPR#40.I'mgoingtoworkonawaytoimplement#29sothatwecanimportand ...,...CydiaiOS9插件...