
fnatic. Counter-Strike (CS2) team

Fnatic cooperates with such teams as Parimatch, AMD, OnePlus, PCSPECIALIST, Letou, Monster Energy, and Andaseat. It also has its own merchandise – FNATIC Gear.


Fnatic's CS team is one of the most successful of all time. In our invincible period in 2013 to 2015, we picked up three Major titles and dominated every ...


Fnatic is a global esports performance brand laser-focused on seeking out, levelling up and amplifying gamers and creators.

战队FNC (Fnatic) Counter Strike, 成员,奖项,比赛,数据统计

所有战队CS:GO. FNC. FNC logo. Fnatic. 国家, 英国. 排名, #35. 全部游戏, 102 / 1359. % 胜利, 57% / 61%. 当前击杀, –. 连胜记录, 19 胜利10年前. 失败记录, 7 战败10年 ...

Team FNC (Fnatic) CS:GO, roster, matches, statistics

FNC Recent matches · FNC News · Other players · How much FNC earned · FNC Achievements. Place, Tournament, Date, Prize ...

Fnatic - Liquipedia Counter

Fnatic (often stylized as fnatic and abbreviated to FNC) is a British professional esports organization. Being founded on July 23, 2004. Fnatic Rising · Fnatic Ladies · KRiMZ · Fear

fnatic team overview

Get the complete overview of fnatic's current lineup, upcoming matches, recent results and much more. Fnatic vs ECLOT332 · Fnatic vs Wildcard134 · Burmylov · Krimz

Fnatic in Counter Strike. : rGlobalOffensive

Fnatic has been shit for a while now and have missed out on multiple majors. They finally make one and go 0-3 and everyone is acting like its rock bottom for ...


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FNATIC,簡稱FNC,是一家總部位於英國倫敦的職業電子競技公司,創辦人為薩繆爾 ... 瑞典(CS:GO) 日本(虹彩六號:圍攻行動). 顏色, 黑色、深灰色、橙色. 經理, Sam ...


FnaticcooperateswithsuchteamsasParimatch,AMD,OnePlus,PCSPECIALIST,Letou,MonsterEnergy,andAndaseat.Italsohasitsownmerchandise–FNATICGear.,Fnatic'sCSteamisoneofthemostsuccessfulofalltime.Inourinvincibleperiodin2013to2015,wepickedupthreeMajortitlesanddominatedevery ...,Fnaticisaglobalesportsperformancebrandlaser-focusedonseekingout,levellingupandamplifyinggamersandcreators.,所有战队CS:GO.FNC.FNCl...

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