
評分4.7(3)·免費·GifoxisabeautifullydesignedandmasterfullycraftedappforcreatingandeditinganimatedGIFs–thegreatalternativebetweenstatic ...,評分4.5(160)·免費·娛樂GifoxisabeautifullydesignedandmasterfullycraftedappforcreatingandeditinganimatedGIFs–t...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在Mac App Store 上的「Gifox 2

評分 4.7 (3) · 免費 · Gifox is a beautifully designed and masterfully crafted app for creating and editing animated GIFs – the great alternative between static ...

Gifox 2: GIF Recorder & Editor 4+

評分 4.5 (160) · 免費 · 娛樂 Gifox is a beautifully designed and masterfully crafted app for creating and editing animated GIFs – the great alternative between static images and ...

Create high-quality animated GIF

Get started with Gifox on how to record screen and create animated GIFs – a foxy app for creating, converting and editing GIFs designed for your Mac!

Best GIF maker, recorder, converter, editor app

Gifox for Mac is a simple GIF maker app to create high-quality animated GIFs from screen and videos – record, convert, capture, edit, compress, optimize. Docs · Learn more about editing · Changelog · Converting

Gifox for Mac

Delightful GIF Recording and Sharing App. Gifox for Mac has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub.

Gifox on Setapp

評分 99% (605) No need to know how to make a GIF to share a quick screencast. Just record your screen into the animated GIF with Gifox, and it'll do it for you.

专业的高颜值GIF 录制应用:Gifox

Gifox 支持一键分享功能,可以绑定自己的Dropbox、Google Drive 等账号,不像GIF Brewery 等需要注册它们的账号,而且官网表明新版本会支持Slack、Box、GIPHY ...

Gifox 2 [Mac] | Gif 錄製製作導出分享序列號

評分 4.9 (19) 歡迎來到淘寶蜜蜂軟體店,選購Gifox 2 [Mac] | Gif 錄製製作導出分享序列號,好評率100%,19用戶購後寫下真實評論。品牌:Gifox,總課時:1,學習平臺:線下學習,教學形式:線下 ...

Gifox Pro 2.2.51 好用的Gif动画录制工具

Gifox Mac破解版是一款可以将您的屏幕录制为动画GIF的工具,Gifox Mac版提供了全屏、窗口和部分选择模式,轻松帮您录制GIF动画,Gifox for Mac支持自定义快捷键,使用更加便捷 ...

Gifox 2.2.5 Gif动画制作软件- 精品MAC应用分享

Gifox 是一款Mac平台上的Gif动画制作软件,Gifox 的功能操作及录制效果都还不错,在图片质量和大小上控制得也算OK。对于绝大多数情况下的使用都足够。


評分4.7(3)·免費·GifoxisabeautifullydesignedandmasterfullycraftedappforcreatingandeditinganimatedGIFs–thegreatalternativebetweenstatic ...,評分4.5(160)·免費·娛樂GifoxisabeautifullydesignedandmasterfullycraftedappforcreatingandeditinganimatedGIFs–thegreatalternativebetweenstaticimagesand ...,GetstartedwithGifoxonhowtorecordscreenandcreateanimatedGIFs–afoxyappforcreating,convertingandeditingGIFsd...

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔


【Mac】 GIF Brewery 3 螢幕錄製 GIF 的簡單工具

【Mac】 GIF Brewery 3 螢幕錄製 GIF 的簡單工具
