
.glTF File Loader Plugin

This loader supports both glTF 1.0 and 2.0 and will use the correct loader based on the glTF version string.

jkuhlmanncgltf: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside

Single-file/stb-style C glTF loader and writer. Build Status. Used in: bgfx, Filament, gltfpack, raylib, Unigine, and more! Cgltf.h · Issues 26 · Pull requests 6 · Actions


This loader fixes that problem by iterating through glTF JSON data and loading its assets automatically, replacing any uri references with the asset's final ...

glTF Viewer

Drag-and-drop preview tool for glTF 2.0 3D models.

Day18. 匯入3D 模型

透過Sketchfab 下載完3D 模型後就可以在three.js 的世界裡匯入. 先在ejs 處匯入函式庫,要注意的是GLTFLoader 的版本要與Three.js 版本相同,否則會報錯

GLTF Model Loader

A loader for loading glTF models into the Threejs scene. glTF is a specification for the efficient transmission and loading of 3D scenes and models. glTF ...


GLTFLoader. A loader for glTF 2.0 resources. glTF (GL Transmission Format) is an open format specification for efficient delivery and loading of 3D content.


GLTF加载器(GLTFLoader). 用于载入glTF 2.0资源的加载器。 glTF(gl传输格式)是一种开放格式的规范 (open format specification), 用于更高效地传输、加载3D内容。


three.js GLTFLoader wrapped as a module for easy importing. Latest version: 1.111.0, last published: 5 years ago.

GLTFLoader - Verge3D 用户手册

glTF (GL 传输格式) 是一种开放格式规范,用于高效交付和加载3D 内容。资产可以以JSON (.gltf) 或二进制(.glb) 格式提供。外部文件存储纹理(.jpg、.png、...)和额外的二进制 ...


ThisloadersupportsbothglTF1.0and2.0andwillusethecorrectloaderbasedontheglTFversionstring.,Single-file/stb-styleCglTFloaderandwriter.BuildStatus.Usedin:bgfx,Filament,gltfpack,raylib,Unigine,andmore!Cgltf.h·Issues26·Pullrequests6·Actions,ThisloaderfixesthatproblembyiteratingthroughglTFJSONdataandloadingitsassetsautomatically,replacinganyurireferenceswiththeasset'sfinal ...,Drag-and-droppreviewto...