
取得Google Cardboard 應用程式


Google AR & VR

Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) bridge the digital and physical worlds. They allow you to take in information and content visually, ...

Google VR for everyone

Create immersive VR experiences at Google scale. Quickstart for Google VR SDK... · Google VR API reference · VR View for Android

Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard is a discontinued virtual reality (VR) platform developed by Google. Named for its fold-out cardboard viewer into which a smartphone is ...


評分 3.6 (162,508) · 免費 · Android Cardboard 將虛擬實境帶到您的智慧型手機上。Cardboard 應用程式可以協助您啟動自己喜愛的虛擬實境體驗、發掘新的應用程式以及設定檢視器。 您必須使用Cardboard 檢視 ...

(三代)Google Cardboard 3D眼鏡VR眼鏡google 眼鏡3D虛擬 ...

供應中 評分 4.9 (333) 歡迎光臨【放開那隻貓的腳】的顧客您好本賣場商品都是在台現貨中午前下單,當天發貨!! 型號:G05 視頻輸入:手機分辨率:720-1080 ⚠️訂單注意如要打統編,務必訂單備註, ...

Google Cardboard

Get the Google Cardboard app. Start your VR journey with the official Cardboard app. Available for Android and iOS.

【MGE003】Google Cardboard VR虛擬實境眼鏡DSCVR


Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard是Google所開發、與智慧型手機配合使用的虛擬實境頭戴式顯示器。該平台以其摺疊式紙板頭盔命名,旨在以廉價成本,激發對VR應用的興趣和發展。


讓你的智慧型手機搖身一變,成為虛擬實境觀影盒,而且製作過程簡單、好玩,又經濟實惠。,Augmentedreality(AR)andVirtualReality(VR)bridgethedigitalandphysicalworlds.Theyallowyoutotakeininformationandcontentvisually, ...,CreateimmersiveVRexperiencesatGooglescale.QuickstartforGoogleVRSDK...·GoogleVRAPIreference·VRViewforAndroid,GoogleCardboardisadiscontinuedvirtualreality(VR)platformdevelopedbyGoogle.N...