
Download Google2SRT for Windows 11, 10, 7, 88.1 (64 bit ...

Google2SRT is a free and easy-to-use software that allows users to extract subtitles from videos on Google Drive and convert them into SRT format.

Google2SRT - Download - Google2SRT

Google2SRT downloads, saves and converts multiple subtitles from YouTube and Google Video to SRT - Download.


使用方法:在「Google subtitles」欄位輸入YouTube影片網址→按〔Read〕→按Browse..〕選擇SRT檔儲存位置→按〔Go!〕下載並轉檔。 ... 注意:電腦必須有安裝「Java Runtime ...

Google2SRT download

Google2SRT allows you to download, save and convert multiple subtitles and translations from YouTube and Google Video to SubRip (.srt) format, ...

Google2SRT Portable 0.7.10 Free Download

Google2SRT is a tool that can download not embedded subtitles from YouTube/Google Video videos (if those are present) and convert them to a standard format ( ...


2012年10月10日 — 今天要介紹的這套免安裝的小工具「Google2SRT」,只要你的電腦中有安裝Java執行環境即可使用,而且操作相當簡單,能幫你下載該影片的多國字幕檔,方便 ...

阿榮福利味- Google2SRT 0.5.5 免安裝版

2012年10月9日 — Google2SRT 0.5.5 免安裝版- YouTube字幕下載並轉成SRT檔http://www.azofreeware.com/2012/05/google2srt-053-youtubesrt.html.


2012年5月26日 — [新進軟體] Google2SRT 0.5.3 免安裝版- YouTube字幕下載並轉成SRT檔http://azo-freeware.blogspot.com/2012/05/google2srt-053-youtubesrt.html.


You can download XML subtitles or simply type video's URL, Google2SRT will do the rest. ※注意:電腦必須有安裝「Java Runtime Environment (JRE)」纔可以執行此程式 ...


Google2SRTisafreeandeasy-to-usesoftwarethatallowsuserstoextractsubtitlesfromvideosonGoogleDriveandconvertthemintoSRTformat.,Google2SRTdownloads,savesandconvertsmultiplesubtitlesfromYouTubeandGoogleVideotoSRT-Download.,使用方法:在「Googlesubtitles」欄位輸入YouTube影片網址→按〔Read〕→按Browse..〕選擇SRT檔儲存位置→按〔Go!〕下載並轉檔。...注意:電腦必須有安裝「JavaRuntime ...,Google2SRTallowsyout...

Aegisub 2.1.8 - 字幕編輯轉檔工具

Aegisub 2.1.8 - 字幕編輯轉檔工具
