Decidedtohoponyesterday,theloaderranforabout1minuteuntilIhitablackscreenwiththetextErrorUnknownErrorOccurred.Ilooked ...,Iftheerroroccursrepeatedly,afulluninstallandreinstallofthegamemayberequired.Youmayalsowanttocheckyourfirewallsettings: ...,GA...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Black Screen - Unknown Error Occured : rh1z1

Decided to hop on yesterday, the loader ran for about 1 minute until I hit a black screen with the text Error Unknown Error Occurred. I looked ...

Guide :: H1Z1 - Fixing all game errors

If the error occurs repeatedly, a full uninstall and reinstall of the game may be required. You may also want to check your firewall settings: ...

Cant Join BR game Crashes and get Error code G15 : rh1z1

GAME ERROR - CODE G15 DESCRIPTION: You may need to adjust your firewall settings to play H1Z1. Contact Technical Support for assistance.

What does this G error code in Z1BR mean?

A firewall or virus protection program is preventing Z1BR from running. Set any firewalls and antivirus programs to allow Z1BR (specifically ...

Help, just bought H1Z1 & it wont install. It says An error ocurred ...

Go to your Steam settings for downloads and change the download region. Try several different ones each time and also try one far away from ...

H1Z1 Game Error G14 | H1Z1 | Battle Royale

Game Error - Code G14. Description: There is a temporary issue with the game servers. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

H1Z1 Game Error G29 | H1Z1 | Battle Royale

This is most likely caused by a temporary connectivity issue between Steam and Daybreak Games and should be resolved shortly.

H1Z1 Streams on X

Unknown error, anyone got the same issue? via /r/h1z1


'An Unknown error occurred. Error code: 1' That's Bug. It is solved by playing with the server browser after playing with Quick Match.

How to Fix Error Code 1? An Unknown error occurred. Error code

I had this problem in the last years and was easily solved by restarting the game or the PC. Today I encountered the problem while trying to ...


Decidedtohoponyesterday,theloaderranforabout1minuteuntilIhitablackscreenwiththetextErrorUnknownErrorOccurred.Ilooked ...,Iftheerroroccursrepeatedly,afulluninstallandreinstallofthegamemayberequired.Youmayalsowanttocheckyourfirewallsettings: ...,GAMEERROR-CODEG15DESCRIPTION:YoumayneedtoadjustyourfirewallsettingstoplayH1Z1.ContactTechnicalSupportforassistance.,Afirewallorvirusprotectionprogramisp...