

Download iBetterCharge 1.1.5 for Windows

2015年8月12日—iBetterChargeisahandylittleutilityforkeepingyouriPhonebatteryalive24/7.ItworksbykeepinganeyeonyouriPhone'sbatterylevel ...

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【App推薦】iBetterCharge 讓你的Mac 可以隨時監控提醒 ...

2016年3月31日 — 來自烏克蘭的Softorino 團隊為了有效的解決大家會忘記幫手機充電的問題,開發出了一個不錯的App,就是iBetterCharge。


2019年9月18日 — Plays the ambient noise of a coffee house to help you work. Mac.

Download iBetterCharge 1.1.5 for Windows

2015年8月12日 — iBetterCharge is a handy little utility for keeping your iPhone battery alive 24/7. It works by keeping an eye on your iPhone's battery level ...

iBetterCharge for Windows - HACKED BY C0N3

2023年4月19日 — A practical little app called ibettercharge keeps the power in your iphone alive all the time. It monitors your iphone's's battery life and will ...


iBetterCharge monitors your iPhone's battery directly from your Mac via Wi-Fi and sends you desktop push notifications when it's time to charge it.


iBetterCharge 支持PC 和Mac 两个系统,需要系统中有安装了iTunes 并且开启了WiFi 同步选项,因为它的工作原理就是通过WiFi 同步获取设备的电量从而提醒用户。

Download iBetterCharge for Mac

Introducing iBetterCharge, the ultimate utility for keeping your battery alive 24/7. Those 20% and 10% battery warnings on your iPhone are saviors, no doubt.


Introducing iBetterCharge, the ultimate utility for keeping your battery alive 24/7. Those 20% and 10% battery warnings on your iPhone are saviors, ...


2016年3月31日—來自烏克蘭的Softorino團隊為了有效的解決大家會忘記幫手機充電的問題,開發出了一個不錯的App,就是iBetterCharge。,2019年9月18日—Playstheambientnoiseofacoffeehousetohelpyouwork.Mac.,2015年8月12日—iBetterChargeisahandylittleutilityforkeepingyouriPhonebatteryalive24/7.ItworksbykeepinganeyeonyouriPhone'sbatterylevel ...,2023年4月19日—Apracticallittleappcalledibetterchargekeepsthepoweriny...