
[2024] How to Transfer Photos from iPhone to iPhone

It's easy to learn how to transfer photos from iPhone to iPhone. You can do it wirelessly or through a USB cable. Find out which way is better.

Share photos and videos on iPhone

You can transfer photos and videos from one iPhone to another simply by bringing the two devices close together. ... On the iPhone with the items you want to ...

Import and export photos and videos on iPhone

Import and export photos and videos on iPhone. You can import photos and videos directly to the Photos app from a digital camera, an SD memory card, ...

6 ways to transfer photos from iPhone ...

2022年9月9日 — Using iCloud · 1. Open the Photos app on your iPhone. · 2. Go to the photo you wish to share, and then tap the upload icon. · 3. Tap Copy iCloud ...

How to transfer photos from iPhone to iPhone

2023年12月29日 — If you have enough iCloud storage, you can effectively transfer your entire photo library to a new iPhone using Apple's iCloud Photo Library.

8 Quick Ways to Transfer Photos From iPhone to iPhone

2024年4月8日 — If you use iCloud Photos, one of the easiest ways to transfer photos to another iPhone is using an iCloud link. After creating an iCloud link ...

4 Ways

2024年1月30日 — Method 1: TouchCopy (how to transfer photos from iPhone to iPhone without iCloud) · Open TouchCopy and connect your iPhone. · View your iPhone ...


It'seasytolearnhowtotransferphotosfromiPhonetoiPhone.YoucandoitwirelesslyorthroughaUSBcable.Findoutwhichwayisbetter.,YoucantransferphotosandvideosfromoneiPhonetoanothersimplybybringingthetwodevicesclosetogether....OntheiPhonewiththeitemsyouwantto ...,ImportandexportphotosandvideosoniPhone.YoucanimportphotosandvideosdirectlytothePhotosappfromadigitalcamera,anSDmemorycard, ...,2022年9月9日—Using...