
145307-4 iFixit

iFixit: The complete repair solution. iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit. 環境和出口規範分類. 屬性, 說明. RoHS 狀態, 不適用. 濕度敏感等級(MSL), 1 (無限). ECCN, EAR99.

iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit

The original electronics tool kit: Designed for computer, smartphone, tablet, and gaming repair, backed by thousands of free instructions.

iFixit 修復商務工具包

通用:由iFixit 技術人員挑選的工具,用於處理任何家庭或專業DIY 電子維修項目。 功能:堅固的iFixit 郵差包可讓您攜帶商務手機。 必備:包括Pro Tech 工具組、手機開啟 ...

Precision Toolkits

Pro Tech Toolkit. The original electronics tool kit: Designed for computer, smartphone, tablet, and gaming repair, backed by thousands of free instructions.

Pro Tech Toolkit

The original electronics tool kit: Designed for computer, smartphone, tablet, and gaming repair, backed by thousands of free instructions.


Pro Tech Toolkit. The original electronics tool kit: Designed for computer, smartphone, tablet, and gaming repair, backed by thousands of free instructions.

美國原廠iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit 專業科技產品維修工具組 ...

美國進口iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit 專業科技產品維修工具組(全新盒裝) 內容物規格Anti-Static Wrist Strap 防靜電腕帶Suction Handle 吸盤Opening Tool 拆機棒(3片裝) ...

