
評分3.2(326,246)Imagineaworldwithoutinstantmessagingandemailcommunication.试想一下,世界上没有即时消息和电子邮件通信。instant.adj.立即的,即刻的;緊迫的,迫切的 ...,例句·Itookaninstantdisliketohim.我一見他就不喜歡。·Thecomputercangenerateinstantmultimediamessages.電腦亦可產生即時的多媒體訊息。·Idon'tlike ...,例句.用作名词(n.)Ishallbebackinaninstant.我马上就回来。Justfor ...,Thistypeofaccountof...


評分 3.2 (326,246) Imagine a world without instant messaging and email communication. 试想一下,世界上没有即时消息和电子邮件通信。 instant. adj. 立即的,即刻的;緊迫的,迫切的 ...


例句 · I took an instant dislike to him. 我一見他就不喜歡。 · The computer can generate instant multimedia messages. 電腦亦可產生即時的多媒體訊息。 · I don't like ...


例句. 用作名词 (n.) I shall be back in an instant. 我马上就回来。 Just for ...


This type of account offers you instant access to your money. 這種帳戶允許隨時支取存款。 Contrary to expectations, the film was an instant success. 與 ...


I felt an instant aversion to his parents. There's no instant way of finding a cure - it's just a process of trial and error. I can't stand instant coffee.

instant (【形容詞】速食的, 即溶的)意思、用法及發音

instant 例句 I have a cup of instant coffee as soon as I wake up in the morning. 我早上一起床就會喝一杯即溶咖啡。

instant (【名詞】) 意思、用法及發音

instant 例句. A sunset lasts only a brief instant. They fell in love the instant they saw each other. instant 相關課程教材. Clean your room this instant!


来自柯林斯语料库的例句 · What happened next was an instant hit on social media. · The simple artificial flower became an instant hit. Times, Sunday Times. ( ...


6 天前 · An instant is an extremely short period of time. For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee. The pain disappeared in an instant.

立即的, 即刻的, instantly, 立即地, instant noodles, 泡麵

影片:instant: 立即的, 即刻的, instantly, 立即地, instant noodles, 泡麵,英語文> 高中> 十一年級> 英文單字解說> 龍騰Book3 Lesson10。源自於:均一教育平台- 願每個 ...