
DESCRIPTION.lcmsisastandaloneCMMengine,whichdealswiththecolormanagement.ItimplementsafasttransformationbetweenICCprofiles.jpegiccislittle ...,jpegicc.1-lcmsisastandaloneCMMengine,whichdealswiththecolormanagement.Itimplementsafasttransformationbet...

man jpegicc (1)

manjpegicc(1):lcmsisastandaloneCMMengine,whichdealswiththecolormanagement.ItimplementsafasttransformationbetweenICCprofiles.jpegicc ...

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DESCRIPTION. lcms is a standalone CMM engine, which deals with the color management. It implements a fast transformation between ICC profiles. jpegicc is little ...

jpegicc - little cms ICC profile applier for JPEG.

jpegicc.1 - lcms is a standalone CMM engine, which deals with the color management. It implements a fast transformation between ICC profiles. jpegicc is ...


jpegicc (1). 名称. jpegicc - little cms ICC profile applier for JPEG. 用法概要. jpegicc [options] input.jpg output.jpg. 描述. User Commands JPEGICC(1) NAME ...


JPEGICC(1) General Commands Manual JPEGICC(1) NAME jpegicc - little cms ICC profile applier for JPEG. SYNOPSIS jpegicc [options] input.jpg output.jpg ...


Description. lcms is a standalone CMM engine, which deals with the color management. It implements a fast transformation between ICC profiles. jpegicc is little ...


... is a standalone CMM engine, which deals with the color management. It implements a fast transformation between ICC profiles. jpegicc is little cms ICC profile ...

man jpegicc (1)

man jpegicc (1): lcms is a standalone CMM engine, which deals with the color management. It implements a fast transformation between ICC profiles. jpegicc ...

Man jpegicc(1)

jpegicc - little cms ICC profile applier for JPEG. SYNOPSIS. jpegicc [options] input.jpg output.jpg. DESCRIPTION. lcms is a standalone CMM engine, which deals ...

Node.js wrapper for Little CMS JpegICC

node-jpegicc v1.0.0. Wrapper for Little CMS JpegICC tool for stripping color profiles and changing image colorspace.


DESCRIPTION.lcmsisastandaloneCMMengine,whichdealswiththecolormanagement.ItimplementsafasttransformationbetweenICCprofiles.jpegiccislittle ...,jpegicc.1-lcmsisastandaloneCMMengine,whichdealswiththecolormanagement.ItimplementsafasttransformationbetweenICCprofiles.jpegiccis ...,jpegicc(1).名称.jpegicc-littlecmsICCprofileapplierforJPEG.用法概要.jpegicc[options]input.jpgoutput.jpg.描述.UserCommands...

Linux commnad get JPEG Quality & jpegicc convert Quality

Linux commnad get JPEG Quality & jpegicc convert Quality
