
需要安裝一下舊版的RSAT。先移除KB2693643.2015-4.原來有一個RSAT版本10.0.10585.0安裝起來後再執行AD管理工具就恢復正常.2015-13.目前嘗試安裝10.0 ...,KB2693643isnotcompatibleforwindows11andthisisnotaFortiClientissue,theonlyoptionistouninstallthisKB.,Wea...

windows 10 伺服器管理工具顯示異常

需要安裝一下舊版的RSAT。先移除KB2693643.2015-4.原來有一個RSAT版本10.0.10585.0安裝起來後再執行AD管理工具就恢復正常.2015-13.目前嘗試安裝10.0 ...

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windows 10 伺服器管理工具顯示異常

需要安裝一下舊版的RSAT。 先移除KB2693643. 2015-4. 原來有一個RSAT版本10.0.10585.0 安裝起來後再執行AD管理工具就恢復正常. 2015-13. 目前嘗試安裝10.0 ...

Forticlient SSLVPN + RSAT (KB2693643)

KB2693643 is not compatible for windows 11 and this is not a FortiClient issue ,the only option is to uninstall this KB .

Cannot install RSAT on Windows 10 Pro x64 English (US)

We are trying to install RSAT (WindowsTH-KB2693643-x64.msu - Aug 19th release) on two Windows 10 x64 Pro English (US) boxes which were upgraded from Windows 8. ...

Remote Server Administration Tools

Right-click Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2693643), and then click Uninstall. When you are asked if you are sure you want to uninstall the update, click Yes.


以滑鼠右鍵按一下[Microsoft Windows 更新(KB2693643)] ,然後按一下[解除安裝] 。 當詢問您是否確定要解除安裝更新時,按一下[是] 。 S. 關閉特定工具(安裝 ...

KB5035238 - MS24-JAN17 - Windowsth-kb2693643-x86

Desktop Central is a Windows Desktop Management Software for managing desktops in LAN and across WAN from a central location.

KB5035238 - MS24-JAN17 - Windowsth-kb2693643-x64

Patch Name, Windowsth-kb2693643-x64-1507.msu. Patch Description, 2024-01 Security Update for Windows 10 Version 1507 for RSAT for x64-based Systems ...

適用於Windows 10 的遠端伺服器管理工具

按一下[程式集] 下的[解除安裝程式]。 按一下[檢視已安裝的更新]。 以滑鼠右鍵按一下[Microsoft Windows 更新(KB2693643)],然後按一下[解除安裝]。 當詢問 ...

Windows Update KB2693643 Breaks SSL VPN with FortiClient (with ...

A member of my IT team started experiencing issues connecting to VPN (SSL) with FortiClient. The progress would make it to 98% then bounce back, retry a few ...

Can't Uninstall RSAT (KB2693643)

Try this: install the wrong version again, reboot, uninstall. If it fails, check event logs for uninstall errors, Get-WindowsUpdateLog powershell command.


需要安裝一下舊版的RSAT。先移除KB2693643.2015-4.原來有一個RSAT版本10.0.10585.0安裝起來後再執行AD管理工具就恢復正常.2015-13.目前嘗試安裝10.0 ...,KB2693643isnotcompatibleforwindows11andthisisnotaFortiClientissue,theonlyoptionistouninstallthisKB.,WearetryingtoinstallRSAT(WindowsTH-KB2693643-x64.msu-Aug19threlease)ontwoWindows10x64ProEnglish(US)boxeswhichwereupgradedfromWindows8. ...,Right-clickUpd...

QuickSetDNS 1.15 快速更換DNS小工具

QuickSetDNS 1.15 快速更換DNS小工具
