King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center




CCI provides guaranteed and exclusive cancer coverage and treatment at KHCC. No other insurance provider in Jordan offers guaranteed treatment at KHCC.

King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center

The King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center (KHCC) an independent Jordanian non-governmental, non-profit institution. It was established in 2001 by ...

King Hussein Cancer Center

Regarded as a gem in Jordan and a source of pride for the Arab world, KHCC has earned acclaim both regionally and globally. Notably, KHCC holds the esteemed ...

Jordan's King Hussein Cancer Center Designated an IAEA ...

The IAEA designated the KHCC an IAEA collaborating centre for radiation oncology, medical physics, nuclear medicine, radiology and nutrition.

Media Gallery

... Jordan Breast Cancer Program. About Cancer. Cancer; What is Cancer? Cancer Diagnosis · Stages of Cancer; Cancer Treatment Methods. Chemotherapy · Radiotherapy ...

The King Hussein Cancer Center | KHCC

The King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) was established in 2001, honorably bearing the name of His Majesty the late King Hussein of Jordan.

King Hussein Cancer Center

King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center is a well-equipped facility that offer comprehensive cancer treatment for cancer patients of different ages. Careers at KHCC · About Us | KHCC · Donate From Jordan · Contact us

King Hussein Cancer Award

The King Hussein Award aims to advance much needed cutting-edge research across the region, filling the gaps in our understanding of cancer in the Arab world ...

King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center (KHCFKHCC)

The KHCF is the largest community-based organization in Jordan dedicated to combatting cancer and the KHCC is the leading Cancer Center in the Middle East.

King Hussein Cancer Center

The King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) is the only specialized cancer center in the Middle East treating both adult and pediatric patients.


CCIprovidesguaranteedandexclusivecancercoverageandtreatmentatKHCC.NootherinsuranceproviderinJordanoffersguaranteedtreatmentatKHCC.,TheKingHusseinCancerFoundation(KHCF)andCenter(KHCC)anindependentJordaniannon-governmental,non-profitinstitution.Itwasestablishedin2001by ...,RegardedasageminJordanandasourceofpridefortheArabworld,KHCChasearnedacclaimbothregionallyandglobally.Notably,KHCCholdstheest...