
Default Window size

2020年2月27日 — Open the window by double-clicking on the Desktop disk icon. Change the window size to what you want and reposition the window where you want it ...

How to easily resize and arrange windows in macOS ...

2020年3月6日 — A well-hidden feature in macOS Catalina makes it simple to resize and arrange your windows without having to clumsily drag them around.

How to Resize a Window That is Too Big or Off Screen in ...

2010年7月5日 — The first method you should try is to click the green button in the window titlebar, this will resize the window to fit to the available screen ...

How to Resize Your Mac's Windows

2020年8月3日 — To minimize a window to the Dock, click the yellow button in the top left corner of the window or click Command + M. To return it to its ...

Modern macOS can't even resize windows properly

2022年11月6日 — Like open the clock app, world clock tab, reduce window size, scroll to the top then resize window again. Scrolling will jump around and end ...

Move and arrange app windows on Mac

Maximize a window: Press and hold the Option key while you click the green button in the top-left corner of an app window. To return to the previous window size ...

The Easiest Way to Resize All Windows on Your Mac ...

2022年9月23日 — You can quickly build a window-resizing macro on your Mac using the Shortcuts app, and it only requires a few actions. Open up Shortcuts, then ...


2020年2月27日—Openthewindowbydouble-clickingontheDesktopdiskicon.Changethewindowsizetowhatyouwantandrepositionthewindowwhereyouwantit ...,2020年3月6日—Awell-hiddenfeatureinmacOSCatalinamakesitsimpletoresizeandarrangeyourwindowswithouthavingtoclumsilydragthemaround.,2010年7月5日—Thefirstmethodyoushouldtryistoclickthegreenbuttoninthewindowtitlebar,thiswillresizethewindowtofittotheavailablescreen...