
MadEdit-ModisacrossplatformText/Hexeditor(basedonthemadeditproject@sourceforge)-madedit-mod/madedit.desktopatmaster ...,MadEdit-ModisacrossplatformText/Hexeditor(basedonthemadeditproject@sourceforge)-LiMinggang/madedit-mod.,MadEditisaCross-PlatformText/HexEditorwritteninC++&wxWidgets.MadEditcaneditfilesinText/Column/Hexmodes,andsupportsmanyusefulfunctionse.g. ...,評分5.0(1)·免費·Madedit-Mo...

madedit-modmadedit.desktop at master

MadEdit-Mod is a cross platform Text/Hex editor(based on the madedit project @ sourceforge) - madedit-mod/madedit.desktop at master ...


MadEdit-Mod is a cross platform Text/Hex editor(based on the madedit project @ sourceforge) - LiMinggang/madedit-mod.


MadEdit is a Cross-Platform Text/Hex Editor written in C++&wxWidgets. MadEdit can edit files in Text/Column/Hex modes, and supports many useful functions e.g. ...

Madedit-Mod download

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Madedit-Mod is a cross platform text/hex editor base on MadEdit with a log of critical bug fix from me or other developers.

Madedit-Mod 0.4.20 免安裝中文版

具有簡繁轉換功能的文字編輯器- Madedit-Mod,由於MadEdit已經沒有在維護,這是後續有人接手的修改版;它是以C++跟wxWidget設計的純文字或16進制(Hex) ...

[下載] Madedit-Mod

[下載] Madedit-Mod. 官方載點. 下載連結→ [按此由官方網頁下載] 相關連結→ [軟體說明]. 本站下載. 免安裝中文版→ [32位元] [64位元] [舊版下載]. 阿榮推薦付費軟體

Madedit-Mod 0.5.0a2 免安裝中文版

Madedit-Mod 0.5.0a2 免安裝中文版- 具有簡繁轉換功能的文字編輯器

MadEdit-Mod 0.4.20 0.5.0a2 Preview

評分 4.6 (5) · 免費 · Windows Text and hex editor based on MadEdit, featuring advanced search and replace, macro recording and playback, syntax highlights, and more


Free download page for Project Madedit-Mod's MadEdit-Mod0.4.19_X64.7z.This project is a clone of MadEdit with a log of critical bug fix from me or other ...


MadEdit是一款跨平台的編輯器,可對文本、十六進制進行編輯,按照GNU GPL發布,是開放原始碼開源的自由軟體。 功能. 編輯. 可運行於Linux、Windows系統; 具有繁、簡體中文 ...

AkelPad 4.9.9 小巧文字編輯器

AkelPad 4.9.9 小巧文字編輯器


MadEdit Mod 0.4.7 精巧實用的文字編輯器

MadEdit Mod 0.4.7 精巧實用的文字編輯器


Aegisub 2.1.8 - 字幕編輯轉檔工具

Aegisub 2.1.8 - 字幕編輯轉檔工具
