《Mad Father》



Mad Father

Mad Father is a freeware horror-adventure game by Sen about a young girl with a father doing unknown experiments. (Official English Page)

Mad Father for Nintendo Switch

供應中 In this horror adventure game, play as 11-year-old girl Aya Drevis and uncover the secrets of a bizarre incident that befalls the Drevis residence, ...

狂父MadFather - 創作大廳

狂父MadFather. 作者:An. 之前噗友跟我點的圖. 這大概是第三次畫同人圖.. 其實沒玩過這遊戲XD 就將就一下吧 好像應該畫個電鋸或是兔子之類的不過透視出了點問題就不知所 ...

Mad Father Wiki

An unofficial wiki dedicated to the game Mad Father created by Sen. The goal of the wiki is not only to provide information on characters, but also the game in ...

【遊戲攻略】MadFather Remake 狂父重製版個人流攻略(含據透

【遊戲攻略】MadFather Remake 狂父重製版個人流攻略(含據透、慎入) (11/18更新/圖片待補) · 1.入口大廳的吊燈 · 2.服裝房間的帽子-浴室的花盆 · 3.人偶 ...

Mad Father

Mad Father is a survival horror role-playing puzzle video game. The game was developed by Japanese developer Sen, published by Miscreant's Room and released ...

【心得】Mad Father『狂父』全攻略(END1-4) - 創作大廳

首先,這遊戲關於一個11歲的女孩為了救出被詛咒所復活的殭屍們抓走的父親,在充滿恐怖殭屍及人偶的公寓中,尋找父親的下落。 然而也一步一步揭開父親的真相.

Mad Father on Steam

評分 5.0 (5,009) · In this horror adventure game, play as 11-year-old girl Aya Drevis and uncover the secrets of a bizarre incident that befalls the Drevis ...

Mad Father

評分 5.0 (5,008) · 供應中 某天在德雷維斯的大宅裡, 突然發生了異變而揭開這家族秘密的恐怖冒險遊戲。 為了查明真相, 利用鏈鋸,菜刀,錘子,以及帶有眼球的瓶子等道具。 最可怕的是玩家必須探索這座 ...


MadFatherisafreewarehorror-adventuregamebySenaboutayounggirlwithafatherdoingunknownexperiments.(OfficialEnglishPage),供應中Inthishorroradventuregame,playas11-year-oldgirlAyaDrevisanduncoverthesecretsofabizarreincidentthatbefallstheDrevisresidence, ...,狂父MadFather.作者:An.之前噗友跟我點的圖.這大概是第三次畫同人圖..其實沒玩過這遊戲XD就將就一下吧好像應該畫個電鋸或是兔子之類的不過透視出了點問題...