3 - Magnetisation Methods




(magnetization在劍橋高級學習詞典和同義詞詞典和劍橋學術詞典的英語發音, both sources © Cambridge University Press). magnetization的解釋是什麼?


magnetization 在英語中的意思 ... the quality of being magnetic: They read the data by detecting the magnetisation of the material.


Magnetization is the vector field that expresses the density of permanent or induced magnetic dipole moments in a magnetic material.


magnetization · n. · 磁化;磁化強度;磁化作用;吸引;入迷 ; dynamic magnetisation curve · ph. 動態磁化曲線 ; dynamic magnetisation curve · ph. 動態磁化曲線 ...

Magnetization of Ferromagnetic Materials - NDE

Indirect magnetization is accomplished by using a strong external magnetic field to establish a magnetic field within the component. As with direct ...

Magnetization - an overview

Magnetization refers to the process of a solid getting magnetized when placed in a magnetic field. It is defined as the atomic/molecular magnetic moment per ...

Understanding Magnetization and Demagnetization

Magnetite becomes a natural magnet through magnetization. A lodestone is a natural magnet powerful enough to attract materials like ironsand and nails. Its name ...

6.6 Magnetization

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磁化強度(英語:magnetization),又稱磁化向量,是衡量物體的磁性的一個物理量,定義為單位體積的磁偶極矩,如下方程式: ... 是每一個磁偶極子的磁偶極矩。 當施加外磁場於物質時, ...

