
磁光克爾效應的量測一般是在準靜磁場條件下完成。為了瞭解在更短時間尺度下的磁光效應行為,我們搭建了一套可以在2.5ms完成一次正負脈衝磁場來量測磁光克爾效應的 ...,Magneto-opticsreferstothestudyandmanipulationoftheinteractionbetweenmagneticfieldsandlight(electromagneticradiation).Thisfieldofphysics ...,關於這個商品·【保護眼睛】專業光學PC鏡頭,強大的濾鏡因數,有效保護200-540NM,吸收全方位保護·【適用於雷射...


磁光克爾效應的量測一般是在準靜磁場條件下完成。 為了瞭解在更短時間尺度下的磁光效應行為,我們搭建了一套可以在2.5 ms 完成一次正負脈衝磁場來量測磁光克爾效應的 ...


Magneto-optics refers to the study and manipulation of the interaction between magnetic fields and light (electromagnetic radiation). This field of physics ...

Magneto-Optical Opt 防護眼鏡,眉毛美容儀器,保護波長200

關於這個商品 · 【保護眼睛】 專業光學PC 鏡頭,強大的濾鏡因數,有效保護200-540NM,吸收全方位保護 · 【適用於雷射】綠色雷射清洗眉毛等。 · 【輕巧舒適】 盒包裝,攜帶燈 ...


在物理學中,磁光克爾效應(英語:Magneto-optic Kerr effect,縮寫: MOKE)或表面磁光克爾效應(SMOKE)是磁光效應之一。 它描述了從磁化表面反射後的光的變化。

Magneto-optic effect

A magneto-optic effect is any one of a number of phenomena in which an electromagnetic wave propagates through a medium that has been altered by the ...

Magneto-Optics - an overview

Magneto optics describes the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with magnetic materials. The MOKE and the Faraday effect correspond to a change in the ...

Magneto-Optical Imaging

書名:Magneto-Optical Imaging,語言:英文,ISBN:1402019971,頁數:345,作者:Johansen, Tom H. (EDT)/ Shantsev, Daniel V. (EDT),出版日期:2004/05/31,類別:自然科普.


Magneto-optical tools exhibit exceptional sensitivity in detecting surface cracks, surpassing the sensitivity of other non-destructive methods.

Fundamentals of Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy

This paper provides a comprehensive review of magneto-optical (MO) spectroscopy. In the first place, different methods of MO measurements such as the ...

Observation of loss-enhanced magneto-optical effect

Magneto-optical (MO) effects have a pivotal role in modern photonic devices for light manipulation and sensing, but the study of these ...