
JustanFYI,you'llneedanoldversionofMCPRforthistowork.Thecurrentonenolongersupportssilentcommandlinefunctionality.I ...,McAfeeConsumerProductRemovalToolisdesignedforthecompleteremovalofMcAfeeSecurityproductsinordertoreinstallorinstalladifferentanti...。參考影片的文章的如下:


McAfee Removal Tool Fully Silent?

Just an FYI, you'll need an old version of MCPR for this to work. The current one no longer supports silent command line functionality. I ...

Download McAfee Removal Tool (MCPR)

McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool is designed for the complete removal of McAfee Security products in order to reinstall or install a different antivirus.

McAfee Product Removal Tool update fixes two vulnerabilities (CVE ...

McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool (MCPR) 10.4.128 or later remediates vulnerabilities CVE-2022-1823 and CVE-2022-1824.

How to uninstall your McAfee product from a Windows PC

Uninstall the McAfee product using the standard Windows removal method. If this method fails, download and run McAfee Consumer Product Removal tool (MCPR).

如何刪除McAfee LiveSafe 16.0.27 殘留資料夾和文件

1.下載工具MCPR工具。 2. 雙擊mcpr.exe。 3. 如果您看到「使用者帳戶控制」彈出窗口,請按一下「是」 。 使用者帳戶控制. 4. 在麥克菲軟體刪除畫面中:. 1) 按一下 ...


注意您解除安裝掃毒程式之前,請確定已啟用「 Windows 防火牆,以確保不先前已經獲得核准您的程式沒有連上網際網路,透過防火牆。 防毒程式有助於保護您的電腦免於病毒傷害。

如何卸载迈克菲McAfee(使用MCPR 工具)

可以通过McAfee Consumer Product Removal tool (MCPR) 工具进行卸载。 1、下载MCPR 工具。 2、双击MCPR.exe。 3、如您看到安全性警告:

How to remove McAfee software with the MCPR tool

Product Removal tool (MCPR). Click here to download MCPR: If you see a ...


JustanFYI,you'llneedanoldversionofMCPRforthistowork.Thecurrentonenolongersupportssilentcommandlinefunctionality.I ...,McAfeeConsumerProductRemovalToolisdesignedforthecompleteremovalofMcAfeeSecurityproductsinordertoreinstallorinstalladifferentantivirus.,McAfeeConsumerProductRemovalTool(MCPR)10.4.128orlaterremediatesvulnerabilitiesCVE-2022-1823andCVE-2022-1824.,UninstalltheMcAfeeproductusingthes...