


2020年9月16日 — add dialog for login windows (CLogin). add an event on the main Dialog (MFCMenuDlg.cpp). image. now, click login will popup Login windows.

Changing MFC Menu Popup text in C++

2019年4月15日 — I'm writing an MFC C++ application. I have the following menu in my main window. I am trying to change the text via C++ for the FIRST POPUP item ...

CMenu 類別

2023年6月16日 — 請注意,在的 GetMenuItemInfo MFC 實作中,您不會使用功能表的控制碼。 範例. // CMainFrame::OnToggleTestMenuInfo() is a menu command handler for // ...

CMFCPopupMenu 類別

2023年6月16日 — Visual Studio 中的C++ 概觀 ... 如需詳細資訊,請參閱Visual Studio 安裝的VC-atlmfc-src-mfc 資料夾中的原始程式碼。 ... pop-up menu in pixels.

First menu item - SetCheck

Hi all, I have toolbar with a button as popup menu. It has two menu items, On and Off. I have main menu Switch with menu items On and Off.

MFC and graying menu items

menu: Its simply a menu I load during a function call and then decide to gray out an item or not. As the popup-menu in the resource is just the first popup of

Popup menu In MFC application

2007年4月6日 — If you want to display a menu in response to a right click on the mouse, then you should show the popup menu in your WM_CONTEXTMENU handler and ...

Popup menu in MFC from button click handler not working

2020年12月3日 — The problem was in the handle, if I use the right API to get the handle, it shows the popup menu. Here is the updated code.

VC++ MFC Example

2023年12月16日 — In this example, we will create an MFC SDI application and display a pop-up menu when its client area is right-clicked.


2020年9月16日—adddialogforloginwindows(CLogin).addaneventonthemainDialog(MFCMenuDlg.cpp).image.now,clickloginwillpopupLoginwindows.,2019年4月15日—I'mwritinganMFCC++application.Ihavethefollowingmenuinmymainwindow.IamtryingtochangethetextviaC++fortheFIRSTPOPUPitem ...,2023年6月16日—請注意,在的GetMenuItemInfoMFC實作中,您不會使用功能表的控制碼。範例.//CMainFrame::OnToggleTestMenuInfo()isamenucom...

Easy Context Menu 1.6 右鍵選單萬能工具

Easy Context Menu 1.6 右鍵選單萬能工具
