
How to get count of documents in a query result in mongoose?

To get count of query result: model.find(queryObj).countDocuments(); To get count of docs in entire collection: model.estimatedDocumentCount();

Mongoose and how to group by count

I discovered grouping with Mongoose is called Aggregate. I found Model.aggregate(), which brought me to this tutorial.

Mongoose-Count-And-Findreadme.md at master

Mongoose Count & Find is a Mongoose plugin that provides a method, countAndFind() , for performing a count and a find at the same time.

Mongoose Count

The count() method returns the number of documents in a collection. In this article, we will discuss the count method and two more methods.

Mongoose v8.10.1

The countDocuments() function is similar to count() , but there are a few operators that countDocuments() does not support. Below are the operators that count() ...

How to get all count of mongoose model? - node.js

The collection.count is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. Use collection.countDocuments or collection.estimatedDocumentCount instead.

Find and Count elements of collection with Mongoose

In Mongoose, I need to find elements in a collection and count them, and getting both the results of the find and count.

Mongoose count() Function

The Query.prototype.count() function is used to count the number of documents in a collection. This functions basically specifies this query as ...

Mongoose Document Model.count() API

The Model.count() method of the Mongoose API is used to count the number of documents present in the collection based on the given filter ...

Count Documents - Node.js Driver v6.13

To specify which documents you wish to count, countDocuments() accepts a query parameter. countDocuments() counts the documents that match the specified query.

