
Is Musixmatch on PC not working for anyone else?

2018年8月13日 — Mine just says Connect to Spotify, i click it and a little window pops up for a second and disappears. Didnt work for about a month and a ...

Linking to Musixmatch

2023年10月21日 — Check Your Spotify Account: Ensure that your Spotify account is in good standing and that you're able to log in and use it without any issues.

Musixmatch not working?

2015年3月12日 — Spotify just closes when I try to log in, so basically I can't edit or sync, just watch lyrics. i had this exact problem in the desktop app all ...

musixmatch not working?

2020年2月20日 — i installed musixmatch and it doesnt show the lyrics. it just shows Play a song from Spotify and lyrics will appear here i also cant ...

Musixmatch Studio

2023年12月4日 — Check your subscription with Spotify is still active; Disconnect and connect again your Spotify account on Musixmatch; Check here if Spotify is ...

Report a problem

2023年12月19日 — Report a problem: there's no audio track. The missing track error usually happens when you want to listen to or sync a particular song.


Then again in the app, choose connect spotify, now logon with your musicmatch account and then I again click connect to spotify. You will notice when you have ...

Why won't my Musixmatch connect to Spotify?

2024年4月13日 — I'm on Android and whenever I go on the Musixmatch app, and click connect to Spotify, it makes me sign in. I sign in with google and when ...


2018年8月13日—MinejustsaysConnecttoSpotify,iclickitandalittlewindowpopsupforasecondanddisappears.Didntworkforaboutamonthanda ...,2023年10月21日—CheckYourSpotifyAccount:EnsurethatyourSpotifyaccountisingoodstandingandthatyou'reabletologinanduseitwithoutanyissues.,2015年3月12日—SpotifyjustcloseswhenItrytologin,sobasicallyIcan'teditorsync,justwatchlyrics.ihadthisexactprobleminthedesktopappall ...,...