#shorts Naphtha in a fertilizer plant is a source of ...

石腦油naphtha。輕油。可以作為石化原料。石腦油又稱為『輕油』,過去多指沸點高於汽油而低於煤油之餾份;但沸點較此為低或較此為高者,也常稱為石腦油,故石腦油實為 ...,輕石腦油LightNaphtha。原油經分餾後所得到的油品之一,沸點範圍在50-150℃,碳原子數在C5-C1...。參考影片的文章的如下:



石腦油naphtha。輕油。 可以作為石化原料。石腦油又稱為『輕油』,過去多指沸點高於汽油而低於煤油之餾份;但沸點較此為低或較此為高者,也常稱為石腦油,故石腦油實為 ...


輕石腦油Light Naphtha。 原油經分餾後所得到的油品之一,沸點範圍在50-150℃,碳原子數在C5-C11之間。 相關字. 輕石腦油.


Naphtha is a flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture. Generally, it is a fraction of crude oil, but it can also be produced from natural-gas condensates, ... Petroleum naphtha · Naphtha launch · Fels-Naptha · Coleman fuel


【化】揮發油;石腦油. Dr.eye 譯典通. naphtha. IPA[ˈnæfθə]. 美式. 英式. n. 石腦油. 牛津中文字典. naphtha. 揮發油. PyDict. Yahoo奇摩字典.

Naphtha | Petroleum, Hydrocarbon, Refining

Naphtha, any of various volatile, highly flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures used chiefly as solvents and diluents and as raw materials ...

Naphtha - Glossary

Naphtha: A generic term applied to a refined or partially refined petroleum fraction with an approximate boiling range between 122 degrees and 400 degrees ...

NAPHTHA Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of NAPHTHA is any of various volatile often flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures used chiefly as solvents and diluents.

Naphtha - an overview

Naphtha is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons comprising carbon compounds ranging from C5–C9 [244]. Naphtha is the main combustible component of both gasoline and ...


石腦油(英語:naphtha),俗稱輕油、白電油或去漬油,是一種原油精煉的烴類液體的中間物。它由不同的碳氫化合物混合組成,它的主要成分是含5到11個碳原子的鏈烷、環烷或芳烴 ...


石腦油naphtha。輕油。可以作為石化原料。石腦油又稱為『輕油』,過去多指沸點高於汽油而低於煤油之餾份;但沸點較此為低或較此為高者,也常稱為石腦油,故石腦油實為 ...,輕石腦油LightNaphtha。原油經分餾後所得到的油品之一,沸點範圍在50-150℃,碳原子數在C5-C11之間。相關字.輕石腦油.,Naphthaisaflammableliquidhydrocarbonmixture.Generally,itisafractionofcrudeoil,butitcanalsobeproducedfromnatural-gascondensates...