
View topic - Netgear R8000 and R7000 - DD

I just received a R8000 from a family member. It keeps needing a reboot every couple days as the the WiFi speed slows down to a crawl. I need to ...

View topic - about NETGEAR R8000 with ddwrt - DD

i use an r8000 not a reliable as my r7000 but it is good. look a some of my post and you will see some of the problems. you have to tinker with ...

Better speeds with stock firmware on Netgear R8000 - DD

I am noticing that the stock firmware that came with the Netgear has much better performance vs. when running ddwrt.

View topic - A stable build for R8000? - DD

Unfortunately, DD-WRT support for Netgear R8000 is very limited. I have tried several builds starting with the recommended builds on router ...

Should I defect from DD-WRT for Netgear r8000?

Routing- and general performance should be quite decent (~200 MBit/s, maybe a little more), but less than achievable with the OEM firmware and ...

Is it worth flashing the Netgear R8000 with DD

DD-WRT may not give you more stability. In fact, it may make it worse and be slower over WiFi.

Quick Review of DD

Given the potent mix of stability, reliability, features, and VPN support, I give this firmware build a solid two thumbs up, and a must try for any R8000 owner.

Review of the NETGEAR Nighthawk X6 Wireless Router (R8000)

The R8000 is an excellent router, not without its cons, but the best router I have ever owned or used. Is it right for you? Well, it depends.

Netgear R8000, wich firmware? : rTomatoFTW

Dd-wrt builds from 2022 have a lot of bugs on Netgear r8000, the newer version with 19Volt Power supply but with the older r8000 running with 12 ...


IjustreceivedaR8000fromafamilymember.ItkeepsneedingarebooteverycoupledaysasthetheWiFispeedslowsdowntoacrawl.Ineedto ...,iuseanr8000notareliableasmyr7000butitisgood.lookasomeofmypostandyouwillseesomeoftheproblems.youhavetotinkerwith ...,IamnoticingthatthestockfirmwarethatcamewiththeNetgearhasmuchbetterperformancevs.whenrunningddwrt.,Unfortunately,DD-WRTsupportforNetgearR8000isverylimited.Ihavet...