
Nighthawk R8000 X6 AC3200 flashed to DDWRT

DDWRT can take different ways to recover. Its why when its been flashed with aftermarket firmware, it has to go through that forum to help fix it.


Got this router to use with my VPN. They require it to be flashed to DDWRT. I actually found a late version of DDWRT that works, July 27, ...

Netgear Nighthawk X6 AC3200 R8000 will not pass internet

I am using this router to connect to third part VPN provider. It is an upgrade from a very old Buffalo. To do this I had to flash with DD WRT.

View topic - Netgear R8000 and R7000 - DD

The factory firmware for R8000 after a reboot would always give me the same speeds as the R7000 and gradually go down but dd-wrt never came ...

View topic - about NETGEAR R8000 with ddwrt - DD

On r8000 there is enough RAM but some options depends on unit board, chipset itd... there is this demo https://forum.dd-wrt.com/demo/index-2.

View topic - A stable build for R8000? - DD

Unfortunately, DD-WRT support for Netgear R8000 is very limited. I have tried several builds starting with the recommended builds on router ...

View topic - A stable build for R8000? - DD

Unfortunately, DD-WRT support for Netgear R8000 is very limited. I have tried several builds starting with the recommended builds on router database page and ...

Should I defect from DD-WRT for Netgear r8000?

Routing- and general performance should be quite decent (~200 MBit/s, maybe a little more), but less than achievable with the OEM firmware and ...

Netgear R8000, wich firmware? : rTomatoFTW

I used to use dd-wrt on my R8000. It worked well for a year or so, then the one of the 5GHz wireless transmitters kept stopping at random ...


DDWRTcantakedifferentwaystorecover.Itswhywhenitsbeenflashedwithaftermarketfirmware,ithastogothroughthatforumtohelpfixit.,GotthisroutertousewithmyVPN.TheyrequireittobeflashedtoDDWRT.IactuallyfoundalateversionofDDWRTthatworks,July27, ...,IamusingthisroutertoconnecttothirdpartVPNprovider.ItisanupgradefromaveryoldBuffalo.TodothisIhadtoflashwithDDWRT.,ThefactoryfirmwareforR8000afterarebootwouldalwa...