
2020/12/16·DownloadNotezillaforWindowstocreatestickynotesonWindows,setreminders,attachtoWebsites,syncandaccessfromanyphone.Notezillahashad1updatewithinthepast6months.,2021/12/9·NotezillaisaprofessionallydesignedstickynotesappforWindows&Phone.CreatecolorfulstickynotesonWindowsdesktop&setalarmstothem.Organizetheminfolderstoavoiddesktopclutter.Notezillaalsoletsyoutostickno,NoteZilla,免費... › Notezilla › 3000-2351_4-10043954 Notezilla

2020/12/16 · Download Notezilla for Windows to create sticky notes on Windows, set reminders, attach to Web sites, sync and access from any phone. Notezilla has had 1 update within the past 6 months. NoteZilla

2021/12/9 · Notezilla is a professionally designed sticky notes app for Windows & Phone. Create colorful sticky notes on Windows desktop & set alarms to them. Organize them in folders to avoid desktop clutter. Notezilla also lets you to stick no › zh-tw NoteZilla 9.0.22

NoteZilla, 免費下載. NoteZilla 9.0.22: 在 Windows 桌面上有吸引力的便箋上快速記錄、任務或約會。這些粘性音符看起來像 3M 後它 (r) 筆記。將其粘在網站、文檔、程式或任何其他視窗上。如果桌面太亂,您可以將它們整齊地排列成虛擬記憶板(資料夾)。找回便條的速度非常快。 › Notezilla Notezilla

Notezilla is a sticky notes app for Windows & Phones designed to keep you well-equipped & well-organized. It lets you take quick notes on sticky notes (that look like 3M Post-It® Notes), right on your Windows desktop & gives you the best stick › Notezilla › Download Download Notezilla: Create sticky notes like 3M Post

Download Notezilla 9 for Windows. Notezilla is a sticky notes app for Windows. It lets you create sticky notes (like 3M Post-It® Notes) on your Windows desktop, set reminders to them, organize them in folders & also access them from any other device u Notezilla.Net

Report problems & suggest improvements › Home › Index Notezilla.Net

Notezilla.Net is a simple web-app designed to access all your sticky notes created using Notezilla (Sticky notes app for Windows). We already have separate apps for Android & iPhone/iPad . If you are having an Android or iPhone/iPad device, then we re › soft › 26402 桌面便笺软件(Notezilla)免费版9.0.18.0下载

2022/4/15 · 桌面便笺软件 (Notezilla) V9.0.18.0 免费版. Notezilla是一款快速灵活的Windows免费记事软件,不仅提供了很多简单有趣的工具来帮助用户创建笔记,还拥有方便的选项和配置设置,用户更容易上手。. 软件启动之后就会在系统托盘中创建一个图标,以便快速访问,并通过 ...