The Most Customizable Launcher for Android ft. Nova Launcher BETA

著名的NovaLauncher最近推出了新一個Beta測試版本8.0.6,帶來多個新功能和一些改進。首先,在應用程式抽屜中新增了沉浸式應用程式搜索功能,讓您更 ...,評分4.7(113)·免費·AndroidDownloadthelatestversionofNovaLauncherforAndroid.OneofthebestAndroidlaunchers.N...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Nova Launcher Beta 8.0.6 - Android

著名的Nova Launcher 最近推出了新一個Beta 測試版本8.0.6,帶來多個新功能和一些改進。 首先,在應用程式抽屜中新增了沉浸式應用程式搜索功能,讓您更 ...

Download Nova Launcher 8.1.1 for Android

評分 4.7 (113) · 免費 · Android Download the latest version of Nova Launcher for Android. One of the best Android launchers. Nova Launcher is one of the most popular free launchers for...

Nova Launcher Beta

Nova Launcher Beta builds include new features and tweaks before they're released to all users. They're not tested as thoroughly and may not be as reliable.

Nova Launcher

評分 4.0 (1,326,018) · 免費 · Android Nova Launcher 是一款功能強大、可自訂且多功能的主螢幕替代品。 Nova 帶來了先進的功能來增強您的主螢幕,但對於每個人來說仍然是一個很好的、用戶友好的選擇。

Nova Launcher 8.0.6 beta

Nova Launcher is a powerful, customizable, and versatile home screen replacement. Nova brings advanced features to enhance your home screens, but still remains ...

Nova Launcher 8.0.3 beta APK Download by Nova ...

Nova Launcher is a powerful, customizable, and versatile home screen replacement. Nova brings advanced features to enhance your home screens, but still remains ...

Nova Beta 8.0 update finally came to Google Play...

I opened the Nova app for settings, and I'm a beta, and a banner appeared for update... It showed in Google Play store.

Nova Launcher (@NovaLauncher) X

Nova Launcher 8.1.0 Beta has been released! Revamped Cards experience with new customizable app cards, widget cards, and more.

[APK] Nova Launcher Beta在Pixel Launcher風格的界面中集成了新選項

Nova Launcher已在Beta版中更新到了5.0版,該版本帶來了Pixel Launcher的最佳視覺功能.


著名的NovaLauncher最近推出了新一個Beta測試版本8.0.6,帶來多個新功能和一些改進。首先,在應用程式抽屜中新增了沉浸式應用程式搜索功能,讓您更 ...,評分4.7(113)·免費·AndroidDownloadthelatestversionofNovaLauncherforAndroid.OneofthebestAndroidlaunchers.NovaLauncherisoneofthemostpopularfreelaunchersfor...,NovaLauncherBetabuildsincludenewfeaturesandtweaksbeforethey'rereleasedtoallusers.They'renottesteda...