Our team of psychologists are active in the community and serve as consultants, researchers, educators, writers, public speakers, and media spokespeople.
This repository contains example implementations for centralized models for the Pandemic Response and Forecasting use case for the US/UK PETS Prize ...
The Network Systems Science & Advanced Computing Division at UVA's Biocomplexity Institute @UVA_BI - computing solutions to complex societal problems.
In this paper, a novel algorithm for classification called “NSSAC” is proposed, which is based on negative selection method in the human immune system.
We use advanced modeling techniques and simulations to study real world, cross-discipline problems. Our focus areas include Cognitive and Social Behaviors, ...
NSSAC IS ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS. No physician referral is needed – contact us today at 604-985-3939 to find out how we can help you live a better life ...