
Hong Kong data centers

Discover how our respected Hong Kong data centers provide high-quality, secure and flexible services and IT infrastructure environments.

Hong Kong Financial Data Center

Discover how our respected Hong Kong data centers provide high-quality, secure and flexible services and IT infrastructure environments.

NTT DATA Hong Kong

NTT DATA Hong Kong enables simpler and faster payments for your business in the digital economy.

NTT DATA Hong Kong Limited

NTT DATA Hong Kong Limited (NDHK) provides the global platform for digital payment solutions and services, enabling consumers and businesses to make and ...

NTT DevIces Hong Kong Limited

NTT DevIces Hong Kong Limited is locating in Hong Kong, supporting NTT Innovative Devices Corporation in the business with the related sales and products ...

NTT Hong Kong

From digital infrastructure, data center to AI, IoT and digital solutions, NTT enable a smarter world and accelerate your digital transformation journey. Hong Kong Data Center · NTT Group at a Glance · A New Exciting Era for NTT...

NTT 香港數據中心

將軍澳金融數據中心(FDC®) 和大埔數據中心(TPDC) 均為香港首屈一指的數據中心,以不同的基礎設施標準設計,各具特色,全面滿足您的業務所需。


We're here to help. Get in touch if you have technical, account or billing enquiries. [email protected]. Name. Email Address. Company Name. Job Title.

[PDF] NTT Com Asia Limited

NTT Communications全資附屬公司NTT Com Asia,是東. 亞地區總部,管理香港、澳門、台灣及韓國等地。NTT. Com Asia 提供企業級的網絡、數據中心、雲端、托管及管. 理式服務, ...

[PDF] 香港— NTT DATA 建立全球支付中心策略的關鍵

NTT DATA 決定在香港成立全球支付中心,因為香港鄰近. 中國內地— 世界最大的電子商貿市場之一。香港與NTT. DATA 總公司同樣位處亞洲中心,位置正好配合公司的全. 球定位,及 ...

