about earth :
A visualization of global weather conditions, forecast by supercomputers, updated every three hours, ocean surface current estimates, updated every day.
earth :
See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours.
nullschool. net/#current/wind/isobaric/1000hPa/orthographic=- 236.29,3.14,482 從這看全世界氣流動態 台灣上空的彩色漩渦其實還蠻美的耶XD. 楊敏智 ...
Nullschool Technologies Inc.
Our website, earth.nullschool.net, has been in operation since late 2013, providing access to real-time global wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions on ...
Using: Earth.nullschool.net
Wind speed, or wind flow speed, is caused by air moving from high (Sunny) to low (Stormy) areas of air pressure, usually due to changes in temperature. Note ...