How to use the World wind map



a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions

See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours.


This animation depicts real-time wind speed and direction at selected heights above Earth's surface, ocean surface currents, and ocean surface temperatures ...

earth :

See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours.

about earth :

A visualization of global weather conditions, forecast by supercomputers, updated every three hours, ocean surface current estimates, updated every day.

Nullschool Technologies Inc.

Our website,, has been in operation since late 2013, providing access to real-time global wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions on ...

Wind Map Hurricane Tracker, 3D

評分 4.4 (11,288) · 免費 · Android Track Live (updated every 3 hours) Hurricanes, Typhoons and Cyclones. Watch the wind currents. This app is excellent for Storm chasing, to prepare for surfing ...


If you click on Earth bottom left, there are many dozens of different views to choose from including: Wind, rain, weather; Temperature and humidity; Waves and ...

Wind Map

powered by Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ... Wind Map. Now Avaliable on. Get it on Google Play ...


Seecurrentwind,weather,ocean,andpollutionconditions,asforecastbysupercomputers,onaninteractiveanimatedmap.Updatedeverythreehours.,Thisanimationdepictsreal-timewindspeedanddirectionatselectedheightsaboveEarth'ssurface,oceansurfacecurrents,andoceansurfacetemperatures ...,Seecurrentwind,weather,ocean,andpollutionconditions,asforecastbysupercomputers,onaninteractiveanimatedmap.Updatedeverythreehou...