
在App Store 上的「OmniFocus 4」

評分 5.0 (3) · 免費 OmniFocus is powerful task management software for busy professionals. With tools to help tame the chaos, you can focus on the right tasks at the right time ...

App Store 上的《OmniFocus 4》

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 OmniFocus is powerful task management software for busy professionals. With tools to help tame the chaos, you can focus on the right tasks at the right time ...

我選擇生產力工具的基準. 先說結論,我用OmniFocus 用了 ...

而OmniFocus 的輸入介面夠乾淨,不會看到額外的資訊。整理的功能也夠完整。輸入之後不需要另外搜尋,該看到這些事情時自然就會看到。

最通俗易懂的Omnifocus 教程之一

透视的概念. 在你为一个任务设定了未来的「推迟至」时间后,这个任务就会从omnifocus 中隐身,直到时间来临。 omnifocus 区别于其他任务管理工具的一点是它 ...

OmniFocus for the Web

OmniFocus Subscription ($9.99/month or $99.99/year): Gets you OmniFocus Pro for Mac, OmniFocus Pro for iOS, and OmniFocus for the Web. This is a great option ...

Task Management Software Built For Pros

OmniFocus is powerful task management software for busy professionals. With tools to help tame the chaos, you can focus on the right tasks at the right time. OmniFocus Features · OmniFocus Release Notes · Pricing · Specs

Task Management Software Built For Pros

An OmniFocus subscription unlocks OmniFocus Pro on all supported Apple devices, and includes access to OmniFocus for the Web from any web browser.

OmniFocus Release Notes

OmniFocus 4.5.3 for All Platforms. OmniFocus 4.5.3 includes bug fixes related to syncing, rebuilding the database, and localization.

OmniFocus 4.5.3 强大的任务管理软件- 精品MAC应用分享

OmniFocus 整合了提醒事项、日程、备注注释这些基础的管理功能,而且从事务驱动的层面给予了更多的选择,可以基于分类、时间线、完成度、截至日期、执行 ...


評分5.0(3)·免費OmniFocusispowerfultaskmanagementsoftwareforbusyprofessionals.Withtoolstohelptamethechaos,youcanfocusontherighttasksattherighttime ...,評分5.0(1)·免費OmniFocusispowerfultaskmanagementsoftwareforbusyprofessionals.Withtoolstohelptamethechaos,youcanfocusontherighttasksattherighttime ...,而OmniFocus的輸入介面夠乾淨,不會看到額外的資訊。整理的功能也夠完整。輸入之後不需要另外搜尋,該...