
Install OpenBoard on Linux

OpenBoard is an open source cross-platform teaching software for interactive whiteboard designed primarily for use in schools and universities.


OpenBoard is a free multi-platform open-source software designed to replace traditional whiteboards with a virtual and interactive alternative. Whether used for ...


OpenBoard is a free and open-source interactive whiteboard software compatible with any projector and pointing device.

OpenBoard is a cross-platform interactive whiteboard ...

OpenBoard is an open source cross-platform interactive white board application designed primarily for use in schools. It was originally forked from Open-Sankoré ...

OpenBoard valencià

評分 4.1 (246) · 免費 · Android · OpenBoard valencià 是基於AOSP 的100% FOSS 鍵盤(免費軟件和開源代碼),不依賴Google 二進製文件,尊重隱私法。源自原始OpenBoard,包括遵循Normes d'El ...

OpenBoard, the best interactive whiteboard for schools and ...

OpenBoard is an open source cross-platform interactive whiteboard application. OpenBoard is intended for use primarily in schools and universities, ...


... t available. OpenBoard基本使用方法. 106 views · 1 year ago ...more. Try YouTube Kids. An app made just for kids. Open app · LSL Studio. 369.

Releases · OpenBoard-orgOpenBoard

OpenBoard is a cross-platform interactive whiteboard application intended for use in a classroom setting.


OpenBoardisanopensourcecross-platformteachingsoftwareforinteractivewhiteboarddesignedprimarilyforuseinschoolsanduniversities.,OpenBoardisafreemulti-platformopen-sourcesoftwaredesignedtoreplacetraditionalwhiteboardswithavirtualandinteractivealternative.Whetherusedfor ...,OpenBoardisafreeandopen-sourceinteractivewhiteboardsoftwarecompatiblewithanyprojectorandpointingdevice.,OpenBoardisanopensour...