MOODLE Review en Español Plataforma LMS. Programas ...

NewFeaturesinOpenOffice.org2.4·Improvedrenderingofnumeric(n)datafromJDBCandOracle·EasierchoiceoftablenameinCopytable·Editingofviewsin ...,feature-info:Fromwithinthepropertybrowserforadatabaseform,youcanopenthequerydesigner,tographicallydesigntheS...。參考影片的文章的如下:

參考內容推薦 2.4 Release Notes

New Features in 2.4 · Improved rendering of numeric(n) data from JDBC and Oracle · Easier choice of table name in Copy table · Editing of views in ... 2.4.2 (build OOH680_m18)

feature-info: From within the property browser for a database form, you can open the query designer, to graphically design the SQL command underlying the form.

Apache OpenOffice Community Forum

All I have on my desktop is an icon that says OpenOffice.org2.4 installation files. When I open that it shows a bunch of installation files.

[Solved] OpenOffice 2.4.3 on CentOS 6.6

OpenOffice.org2.4 may be old, but it is solid. I installed directly from the .rpms, and this has made for a nice, low-impact install. I ...

openoffice.org2.0加密 - OOo補給站 正體中文社群這是一個分享ODF 應用的網站,內容收錄了Writer 文書處理、Calc 試算表運算、Impress 簡報應用及辦公實務應用的範列與教學 ...

OpenOffice.org2.4.2rc1版 - OOo補給站 正體中文社群這是一個分享ODF 應用的網站,內容收錄了Writer 文書處理、Calc 試算表運算、Impress 簡報應用及辦公實務應用的範列與教學 ...

A Conceptual Guide to 2

書名:A Conceptual Guide to 2: For Windows and Linux,語言:英文,ISBN:0977899136,頁數:276,作者:Gurley, R. Gabriel,出版日期:2007/03/30, ...

Openoffice 2.0支援ODF開放文件格式

更新後的 2.0主要更改了使用者介面,將介面分成工作區以及工具區,讓使用者可以直接在同一個視窗上作業,並且可以自訂工具列。此外,新版本中也新增郵件合併精靈 ...

Apache OpenOffice

The official home page of the Apache OpenOffice open source project, home of OpenOffice Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw and Base.

2.0.4. 改善PDF處理功能; 直接輸出至LaTeX檔案格式; 更強大的延伸套件管理系統. ; 2.1.0. 為Impress增加了多重顯示器支援; 改善Calc的HTML輸出; 改善Base的 ...


NewFeaturesinOpenOffice.org2.4·Improvedrenderingofnumeric(n)datafromJDBCandOracle·EasierchoiceoftablenameinCopytable·Editingofviewsin ...,feature-info:Fromwithinthepropertybrowserforadatabaseform,youcanopenthequerydesigner,tographicallydesigntheSQLcommandunderlyingtheform.,AllIhaveonmydesktopisaniconthatsaysOpenOffice.org2.4installationfiles.WhenIopenthatitshowsabunchofinstallationfiles.,OpenO...