
List of in

List of Pokémon · Hoenn first partner Pokémon · Johto first partner Pokémon · Unova first partner Pokémon · Sinnoh first partner Pokémon · Wynaut Egg · Togepi ...

List of Pokémon by Hoenn Pokédex number in Generation VI

This is a list of Pokémon in the order dictated by the Hoenn regional Pokédex, meaning that the first partner Pokémon from Hoenn will appear first, followed by ...

All Legendary Pokémon

This page lists the locations of all Legendary Pokémon in Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, excluding the ones that can be obtained in the main story or in the ...

Pokémon exclusive to Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire

A list of the Pokémon you can only find in either Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.

Pokémon Omega RubyAlpha Sapphire

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Pokédex ; Treecko #001. Treecko ; Grovyle #002. Grovyle ; Sceptile #003. Sceptile ; Torchic #004. Torchic ; Combusken #005. Combusken

Pokedex - Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Guide

The Pokedex is an item found in every Pokemon game. It's a device that records all Pokemon you have seen and captured while on your.


Here is a map I made with the location and info for all catchable Pokemon in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Tier List for Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

I like having special categories for the Good Early, Good Late, and Too Late. It covers a lot of the issues with other lists.

Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Hoenn Pokédex

Giratina & The Sky Warrior! Arceus and the Jewel of Life · Zoroark - Master of Illusions · Black: Victini & ReshiramWhite: Victini & Zekrom ... Tropius - #357 · Latias - #380 · Lileep - #345 · Rhyperior - #464

Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

There are numerous Legendary Pokémon to be found within the Hoenn region. These Pokémon are the most powerful ones around and are very difficult to capture. Heatran - #485 · Thundurus - #642 · Tornadus - #641 · Cresselia - #488


ListofPokémon·HoennfirstpartnerPokémon·JohtofirstpartnerPokémon·UnovafirstpartnerPokémon·SinnohfirstpartnerPokémon·WynautEgg·Togepi ...,ThisisalistofPokémonintheorderdictatedbytheHoennregionalPokédex,meaningthatthefirstpartnerPokémonfromHoennwillappearfirst,followedby ...,ThispageliststhelocationsofallLegendaryPokémoninOmegaRuby&AlphaSapphire,excludingtheonesthatcanbeobtainedinthemainstory...