
Add or delete notifications or reminders in Outlook

Go to Settings > Calendar > Events and invitations. · Under Events you create, select the Default reminder dropdown and then select the default amount of time ...

Can not find calendar 'Reminders' pop up window feature on new ...

A secondary small window pops up with the title Reminders with a small bell icon and a number indicating how many calendar events you have.

How can I get calendar notifications to pop up at meeting start time?

It is normal behavior that calendar reminders would pop up at reminder time (ie 15 minutes before) and then it will not pop up at the meeting start time.

How to make Outlook Calendar reminders stay on top in Windows

Focus on outlook. Type CTRL+SPACE. This will keep Outlook topmost. Minimize it. The reminder window will pop up on top. I hope, M$ adds an ...

How to make Outlook reminder window pops up on top of other ...

Under the Calendar options section, find the Reminders heading. You can choose various reminder options here. For example, you can select  ...

How to Set or Remove Reminders in Outlook

In the Options group in the ribbon, locate the Reminder drop-down box and select the time you want the reminder to display (i.e. 15 minutes will display a ...

My Outlook 2019 reminder pop up window is cropped and can't read it.

The /cleanreminders switch clears and regenerates the reminder settings in Outlook. It does not delete your reminders or calendar items.

Outlook Calendar reminders pop up half off the screen and won't

You can delete the WindowPos Value from the registry - that will reset the position of the reminders dialog - it should bring it up on the same screen as ...

Outlook meetingappt reminders no longer pop on top, taskbar only ...

Go to the outlook options and enable the show reminder on top of other windows option if it's already checked, uncheck, close outlook and go back and enable ...


GotoSettings>Calendar>Eventsandinvitations.·UnderEventsyoucreate,selecttheDefaultreminderdropdownandthenselectthedefaultamountoftime ...,AsecondarysmallwindowpopsupwiththetitleReminderswithasmallbelliconandanumberindicatinghowmanycalendareventsyouhave.,Itisnormalbehaviorthatcalendarreminderswouldpopupatremindertime(ie15minutesbefore)andthenitwillnotpopupatthemeetingstarttime.,Focusonoutl...