
acollectionofprogramsforinspectingandmanipulatingconfigurationofPCIdevices.开发语言,:C.官方主页 ...,ThePCIUtilitiesareacollectionofprogramsforinspectingandmanipulatingconfigurationofPCIdevices,allbasedonacommonportablelibrarylibpci.,pciutils,用于生成pcilib,操作PIC接口·开发者可以利用这个库来编写程序,直接与PCI硬件交互,实现对PCI设备的控制和管理。`pcilib`提供了诸如枚举PCI总线 ...,pciutils源代码...


a collection of programs for inspecting and manipulating configuration of PCI devices. 开发语言, : C. 官方主页 ...

The PCI Utilities

The PCI Utilities are a collection of programs for inspecting and manipulating configuration of PCI devices, all based on a common portable library libpci.

pciutils 功能及其实现分析原创

pciutils,用于生成pcilib,操作PIC接口 · 开发者可以利用这个库来编写程序,直接与PCI硬件交互,实现对PCI设备的控制和管理。`pcilib`提供了诸如枚举PCI总线 ...



PCI Utilities (lspci, setpci) for Windows

Windows binaries for the PCI Utilities · pciutils-3.5.5-win32.zip - 32-bit Windows version (runs on both x86 and x64 Windows) pciutils-3.5.5-win64.zip ...

pciutilspciutils: The PCI Utilities

The PCI Utilities package contains a library for portable access to PCI bus configuration registers and several utilities based on this library. Pciutils · Pciutils.h · Pciutils.lsm · Pciutils/pciids: The pci.ids file

pciutilsREADME at master

This package contains the PCI Utilities, version @VERSION@. Copyright (c) 1997--2024 Martin Mares <[email protected]> All files in this package can be freely ...

pciutils package : Ubuntu

pciutils package in Ubuntu: libpci-dev: PCI utilities (development files), libpci3: PCI utilities (shared library), libpci3-dbgsym: debug symbols for libpci3.


pciutils contains various utilities dealing with the PCI bus (primarily lspci). lspci is a hardware detection tool for system resources connected to the PCI bus ...


The PCI Utils package contains a set of programs for listing PCI devices, inspecting their status and setting their configuration registers. This package is ...

PCI-Z 1.3 檢測電腦上的 PCI 裝置資訊

PCI-Z 1.3 檢測電腦上的 PCI 裝置資訊
