Official Pixel People Teaser Trailer

PixelPeople1.1.4.7安卓版遊戲最新下載。歡迎來到烏托邦,從市容到居民都由你一手打造的烏托邦。,遊戲的故事背景敘述一場世紀末日以後的某一天,整個星球上只剩下一男一女,而玩家江扮演整座星球的管理者,除了擔負重新恢復世界秩序的任務外,就是是要透過這 ...,Pi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Pixel People安卓版遊戲APK下載

Pixel People安卓版遊戲最新下載。歡迎來到烏托邦,從市容到居民都由你一手打造的烏托邦。

【試玩】《Pixel People》扮演創世神製造各種不同基因的新人類吧!

遊戲的故事背景敘述一場世紀末日以後的某一天,整個星球上只剩下一男一女,而玩家江扮演整座星球的管理者,除了擔負重新恢復世界秩序的任務外,就是是要透過這 ...

Pixel People - APK Download for Android

Pixel People is a city-building simulation game available for the Android platform. It allows users to create and manage a unique society populated by Pixel ...

Pixel People针对于Android

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Android 免费地下载Android 平台的Pixel People,它是来自开发商LambdaMu Games Pte. Ltd. 最受欢迎的应用之一。. 在Uptodown.com上找到它.

Pixel People for Android

評分 3/10 (5) · 免費 · Android A city-building game with a difference. The main aim of Pixel People is to build up your utopian city by 'splicing' clones that come from the mothership.

Pixel People for Android

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Android Pixel People is a strategy and social management game where you have to build a city in the middle of space, with its own roads, houses, town hall, ...

Pixel People

評分 4.7 (5,163) · 免費 · Android Create more than 300 different Pixel People, find secret bonuses and minigames inside your buildings drawn in distinct pixelated art style.

Pixel People APK for Android 下載

Pixel People 3.0 APK下載適用於Android。 Welcome to the world of Utopia where YOU create the city and the residents.This app offers ...

Download Pixel People 4.9 for AndroidiOS APK

評分 1/10 (1) You can create 150 different Pixel People, find secret bonuses and minigames inside your buildings drawn in distinct pixelated art style, and move and customize ...


PixelPeople1.1.4.7安卓版遊戲最新下載。歡迎來到烏托邦,從市容到居民都由你一手打造的烏托邦。,遊戲的故事背景敘述一場世紀末日以後的某一天,整個星球上只剩下一男一女,而玩家江扮演整座星球的管理者,除了擔負重新恢復世界秩序的任務外,就是是要透過這 ...,PixelPeopleisacity-buildingsimulationgameavailablefortheAndroidplatform.ItallowsuserstocreateandmanageauniquesocietypopulatedbyPixel ...,評分5.0(1)·免費...