
Pokemon Global Link closing service for XY and ORAS

We have until late October to do this and what that comes, Pokemon XY and ORAS will no longer be able to use PGL. Pokémon Global Link · Reply.

Pokémon Global Link

Pokémon Global Link was a website that the Generation V, VI, and VII core series games could connect to. Features on the website extended the gameplay of the ... Website · Generation VI Global link... · Generation V Global Link...

PokéBeacon 精靈燈塔

【PGL將停止對應XY.ORAS】 為配合《太陽.月亮》發售,Pokémon Global Link (下稱PGL) 對應《X.Y.Omega Ruby.Alpha Sapphire》的服務預定將於10月下旬終止。

PokéBeacon 精靈燈塔

月亮》。 11月1日以後,XY及ORAS與PGL相關的服務包括GAME SYNC及Rating隨機戰將會終止,其他網絡交換/對戰功 能(例如奇蹟交換)則不受影響。 現時PGL上的 ...

How To Register to Pokemon Global Link

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire can connect to the Pokemon Global Link website. This will register your progress and allow you to participate in special ...

Pokémon Global Link to Close for XY and ORAS late October 2016

After the current PGL service ends, you won't be able to link Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, or Pokémon Y with the PGL, ...

Pokémon Global Link End-of-Service Announcement

After more than nine years of operation, the Pokémon Global Link (PGL) will terminate service on February 24, 2020, at 23:59 UTC.

Help, Pokemon Link doesn't appear in ORAS

The Pokemon Link option doesn't even show up. Steven always says, come back tomorrow, and then we'll talk, whenever I leave it for 24 hours, 48 hours, or ...

Pokémon Global Link will be shutting down for XYORAS ...

The Pokémon Global Link for Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire is to shut down this coming Monday, October 31st, at 23:59 UTC.

A Link Between Worlds - A Guide to Pokémon Global Link

When you link your ORAS or XY game to your PGL account, you become eligible for participation in Battle Spot rating battles. Once you register, you can ...


WehaveuntillateOctobertodothisandwhatthatcomes,PokemonXYandORASwillnolongerbeabletousePGL.PokémonGlobalLink·Reply.,PokémonGlobalLinkwasawebsitethattheGenerationV,VI,andVIIcoreseriesgamescouldconnectto.Featuresonthewebsiteextendedthegameplayofthe ...Website·GenerationVIGloballink...·GenerationVGlobalLink...,【PGL將停止對應XY.ORAS】為配合《太陽.月亮》發售,PokémonGlobalLink(下稱PGL)對應《X.Y...