
Judge - Bulbapedia, the community

For the referees of Pokémon battles in the animated series, see battle judge; For the people that Pokémon perform for in Pokémon Contests, see Contest Judge ...

Stats judge - Bulbapedia, the community

A stats judge is a character in the games that is able to read the individual values (IVs) of a selected Pokémon and determine the range of values which the ...


The player shuffles his or her deck and draws 4 cards (or as many cards as possible if the deck contains less than 4 cards). Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05 ...

韓國 Pokemon Cards Cyber Judge Wild Force

供應中 評分 5.0 (2) 產品描述. ---組件:每1盒30包/每1包5張卡. --- 語言:韓語. ✈ 發貨期限. 產品產品直接從韓國發貨. 出貨需要5~7天.(週末及節假日除外). ↩ 退換貨/退款/退換貨/退換貨.

Pokemon – Judge 228091 – Paldean Fates – Full Art

評分 5.0 (3) Amazon.com: Pokemon – Judge 228/091 – Paldean Fates – Full Art – Ultra Rare : 玩具和遊戲.

Pokemon - Judge (7895) - HS Unleashed : 玩具和遊戲

A single individual card from the Pokemon trading and collectible card game (TCG/CCG). This is of Uncommon rarity. From the HS Unleashed set.

Judge (Pokémon)

Judge. 48 versions. Show VersionsShow Offers · Judge. Generations Start Decks. 27 Available. From 0,10 €. Judge. Play! Pokémon Prize Pack Series Five.

Judge | Fusion Strike | TCG Card Database

Trainer-Supporter. Each player shuffles their hand into their deck and draws 4 cards. Fusion Strike 235/264 Uncommon Illustrator: Ryuta Fuse

Become a Pokémon Professor

A Judge certification shows that the Professor is committed to administering impartial rulings and assisting the Organizer in running a quality tournament.


FortherefereesofPokémonbattlesintheanimatedseries,seebattlejudge;ForthepeoplethatPokémonperformforinPokémonContests,seeContestJudge ...,Astatsjudgeisacharacterinthegamesthatisabletoreadtheindividualvalues(IVs)ofaselectedPokémonanddeterminetherangeofvalueswhichthe ...,Theplayershuffleshisorherdeckanddraws4cards(orasmanycardsaspossibleifthedeckcontainslessthan4cards).Source:UnleashedFAQ(2010-05 ...