
Progetto M40 mod. 65

The Progetto 65 has a similar play-style to the Leopard 1 but with an auto-reloader gun. It has 4 shells, 2.5 seconds between each of them, with decent pen and ...

Progetto 65 — Tier X European medium tank

Low HP, Average DPM, Penetration 240, Damage 350, Reload time 4.43 (Auto-reloader), Precise, Good gun depression, Fast, Small, Good view range.

【情報】Progetto 65完整數據- 戰車世界:閃擊戰

來源: https://m.vk.com/@vblitzexpress-progetto-m40-mod-65 https://blitzhangar.com/en/tank/progetto-65 生命值1900 起火機率10% 視野265米隱蔽 ...

【心得】義大利中坦Progetto 65 M牌心得分享

玩法. 前期黑槍開光,後期你喜歡怎麼玩就怎麼玩。 ... 基本上前期你玩Prog 65就是要︰開炮,退後,轉位置,再黑一兩炮,轉位置。如果對方不聰明的話,你也可以待在 ...

Progetto M40 mod. 65 X

3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field modifications, Marks of excellence, Marks of mastery & WN8 for Progetto M40 mod. 65.

Progetto M40 mod. 65 - World of Tanks

Top speed (km/h) 65, Reverse speed (km/h) 20, Power (hp) 750, Power/weight (hp/t) 18.75, Tank traverse (°/sec) 56.32, Effective top speed hard

Progetto M40 mod. 65:評論、特性、比較

義大利軍事專家和工程師具體指出未來戰車的幾項重要要求:裝甲板的傾斜角度、鑄造式炮塔及炮盾、以及使用Mitsubishi 的強大引擎,以實現一種又小又輕、具備機動性,但是裝甲 ...

[特別活動] 邁向Progetto M40 mod. 65 之路

本期邁向系列的主角是位於義大利科技樹上的 X Progetto M40 mod. 65 。這輛義大利中型戰車配備裝有四發砲彈的自動裝填系統,使其能在戰場上發揮出巨大的 ...

Progetto M40 mod. 65

The Italian military experts and engineers specified the main requirements for the future tank: the slope angle of armor plates, the cast turret and gun mantlet ...

Progetto 65 《最具攻擊性的自動裝填戰車》

Progetto65 #Summer遊戲頻道#戰車世界閃擊戰影片描述戰車世界閃擊戰,義大利中型坦克Progetto 65 遊戲分享Video description World of Tanks Blitz, ...


TheProgetto65hasasimilarplay-styletotheLeopard1butwithanauto-reloadergun.Ithas4shells,2.5secondsbetweeneachofthem,withdecentpenand ...,LowHP,AverageDPM,Penetration240,Damage350,Reloadtime4.43(Auto-reloader),Precise,Goodgundepression,Fast,Small,Goodviewrange.,來源:https://m.vk.com/@vblitzexpress-progetto-m40-mod-65https://blitzhangar.com/en/tank/progetto-65生命值1900起火機率10%視野265米隱蔽 .....