Texts & Fonts - QML Component Library - [04]



font QML Basic Type

font QML Basic Type · string font.family · bool font.bold · bool font.italic · bool font.underline · real font.pointSize · int font.pixelSize.

font QML Value Type

font QML Value Type. a font value with the properties of QFont. The font type refers to a font value with the properties of QFont. More.

Is it possible to apply a custom font to all elements in QML?

2018年11月27日 — You can either set font for the window(and for the all its control) using ApplicationWindow.font or for the application using QGuiApplication:: ...

QML Font Weights - Comparison Comfortaa

QML Font Weights - Comparison Comfortaa - Font Awesome - font-weight-comfortaa.qml.


2020年4月2日 — QML中文本相关的元素,一般具有font属性,可以设置文本的字体,例如Text(文本元素)和TextEdit(可编辑文本元素)都有font属性,如下详细介绍font属性的使用 ...


2019年11月21日 — 文本显示是界面开发必不可少的内容,在Qt Quick模块中提供了Text 项目来进行文本的显示,其中可以使用font 属性组对文本字体进行设置。

Qt 4.8

Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of the examples of the Qt ...

Reusable font properties in QML [duplicate]

2016年5月27日 — Other issue is that you can't change many of QFont properties in QML, however they are available then you returning prebuild QFont object from ...

Text QML Type

Property Documentation ; Font.AllLowercase, alters the text to be rendered in all lowercase type ; Font.SmallCaps, alters the text to be rendered in small-caps ...


fontQMLBasicType·stringfont.family·boolfont.bold·boolfont.italic·boolfont.underline·realfont.pointSize·intfont.pixelSize.,fontQMLValueType.afontvaluewiththepropertiesofQFont.ThefonttypereferstoafontvaluewiththepropertiesofQFont.More.,2018年11月27日—Youcaneithersetfontforthewindow(andfortheallitscontrol)usingApplicationWindow.fontorfortheapplicationusingQGuiApplication:: ...,QMLFontWeights-Comp...