bunga dahliyah. by Qtbar 7

ExtendsExplorerbytabsandextrafolderviews.Free/Donationware.Multiple-languagesupportbycontributors.forWindows7&Windows8&Windows8.1&Windows10 ...Plugins·ChangeLog·Scripting,ApivisionQTbar(QuickToolbar)isstraightforward,fast,easy-to-useandgivesyouqu...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Extends Explorer by tabs and extra folder views. Free/Donationware. Multiple-language support by contributors. for Windows7 & Windows8 & Windows8.1 & Windows10 ... Plugins · Change Log · Scripting

Apivision QTbar Download

Apivision QTbar (Quick Toolbar) is straightforward, fast, easy-to-use and gives you quick access to anything you need - right from your desktop!

indiffqttabbar: QTTabBar is a small tool that allows you to ...

Qttabbar is a small tool that allows you to use tab multi label function in Windows Explorer. Since then, there are no windows folder and awesome folder preview ...


免费地下载Windows 平台的QTbar,它是来自开发商Apivision 最受欢迎的应用之一。. 在Uptodown.com上找到它.

QTbar for Windows

Download QTbar for Windows, one of the most popular apps from the developer Apivision, and for free. Find it in Uptodown.com.

QTTabBar download

評分 4.9 (104) · 免費 · Windows QTTabBar is extension for Windows Explorer that brings tabbed browsing to Microsoft's file browser, along with a host of other great features.

QTTabBar v1043 中文版(2048 beta 2)

讓Windows內建的檔案總管具有多分頁功能- QTTabBar,終於可以不用開啟多個檔案總管視窗了!在同一個檔案總管視窗就可以利用多頁籤方式開啟多個資料夾,讓 ...

bαr (@qtbar)• Instagram 相片與影片

4304 位粉絲、 2262 人追蹤中、 235 則貼文- Instagram 上的bαr (@qtbar):「 History in the making 」


ExtendsExplorerbytabsandextrafolderviews.Free/Donationware.Multiple-languagesupportbycontributors.forWindows7&Windows8&Windows8.1&Windows10 ...Plugins·ChangeLog·Scripting,ApivisionQTbar(QuickToolbar)isstraightforward,fast,easy-to-useandgivesyouquickaccesstoanythingyouneed-rightfromyourdesktop!,QttabbarisasmalltoolthatallowsyoutousetabmultilabelfunctioninWindowsExplorer.Sincethen,th...


