
Restrepo (film)

Restrepo is a 2010 American documentary film about the War in Afghanistan directed by British photojournalist Tim Hetherington and American journalist ... Juan Sebastián Restrepo · Tim Hetherington · Korangal Valley · Korengal

Juan Sebastián Restrepo

Juan Sebastián Restrepo (October 7, 1986 – July 22, 2007) was a Colombian American soldier and medic. Restrepo was killed in the Korengal Valley in ...


Restrepo is a feature-length documentary that chronicles the deployment of a platoon of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley. The movie focuses on ...

Restrepo : Sebastian Junger, Tim Hetherington - DVD

評分 4.6 (1,083) RESTREPO is a feature-length documentary that chronicles the deployment of a platoon of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley. The movie focuses on a ...

Restrepo (2010)

評分 7.4/10 (24,752) Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington's year dug in with the Second Platoon in one of Afghanistan's most strategically crucial valleys reveals extraordinary ...


評分 7.4/10 (24,752) The soldiers of Second Platoon built and manned a remote and strategic outpost that they named Restrepo, in honour of their medic, PFC Juan Restrepo, who was ...


Restrepo watches is a new luxury brand created by the prestigious designer Federico Restrepo aboard the Concorde Aircraft. E – Boutique · Hasta La Victoria · El Caballero Sin Armas · Contact


評分 97% (117) Restrepo is a great documentary with a great insight on how the men were living in a combat area. Its a unique documentary with lots of emotions and feelings. I ...

Restrepo Trailer

... Restrepo is a feature-length documentary that chronicles the deployment of a platoon of U.S. soldiers to Afghanistan's Korengal Valley. The ...


Restrepoisa2010AmericandocumentaryfilmabouttheWarinAfghanistandirectedbyBritishphotojournalistTimHetheringtonandAmericanjournalist ...JuanSebastiánRestrepo·TimHetherington·KorangalValley·Korengal,JuanSebastiánRestrepo(October7,1986–July22,2007)wasaColombianAmericansoldierandmedic.RestrepowaskilledintheKorengalValleyin ...,Restrepoisafeature-lengthdocumentarythatchroniclesthedeploymentofaplatoo...