
Serebii.net Games

For a Quick way to calculate, use our IV Calculator. There's a lot of things that influence what stats you get when you finally overcome the odds and ...

Help with Serebii's IV calculator? : rpokemon

You need to level up your Pokemon before you can get accurate IVs. The higher the level the more accurate the calculation. You can either do ...

Serebii.net Games

For an IV Battle, gather a team of low level Pokémon and battle with a friend online, forcing them to level 100, then writing down their projected stats. Row ...

Scarlet & Violet Individual Value & Stat Calculator

V Calculator for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Allows for you to work out your IVs for all Pokémon in the game.

Sun & Moon Individual Value & Stat Calculator

This calculator allows the reverse calculation of any Pokémon's Individual Values when given the Pokémon's details. It can also calculate stats at any given ...

XY Individual Value & Stat Calculator

Using the median IVs, and input Effort Points, accurately calculates a Pokémon's stats on the given level.

Sword & Shield Individual Value & Stat Calculator

V Calculator for Pokémon Sword & Shield. Allows for you to work out your IVs for all Pokémon in the game.


ForaQuickwaytocalculate,useourIVCalculator.There'salotofthingsthatinfluencewhatstatsyougetwhenyoufinallyovercometheoddsand ...,YouneedtolevelupyourPokemonbeforeyoucangetaccurateIVs.Thehigherthelevelthemoreaccuratethecalculation.Youcaneitherdo ...,ForanIVBattle,gatherateamoflowlevelPokémonandbattlewithafriendonline,forcingthemtolevel100,thenwritingdowntheirprojectedstats.Row ...,VCalculatorforP...