
Disable the Google Chrome Software Reporter Tool

You could rename or delete software_reporter_tool.exe, but Google will replace it, so that's only a temporary solution. Instead, we can change the ...

Disabling Software Reporter Tool

Delete. You do not have permission to delete messages in this group. Copy link. Report message. Show original message. Either email addresses are anonymous for ...

How to Disable Chrome Software Reporter Tool

2023年9月6日 — You may remove, uninstall or delete the contents of the entire folder or rename the executable itself to disable the Software Reporter Tool.

Software Reporter Tool

This can be done by removing the Software Reporter tool .exe file that runs on the computer. Let's see the steps to follow this method. Step 1: Open the RUN ...

[Tip] Disable Software Reporter Tool.exe Causing High ...

2023年3月9日 — You can also manually delete or remove the Software_Reporter_Tool.exe file from your computer which will stop the Software Reporter Tool running ...

【心得】使用正規方式關閉chrome 自動清理電腦(software ...

2019年12月9日 — 【心得】使用正規方式關閉chrome 自動清理電腦(software reporter tool)功能 ... 回報完畢後,Chrome 清理功能會詢問使用者是否要將偵測到的垃圾軟體清除。

【電腦CPU效能提升】software reporter tool是甚麼? 該怎麼移 ...

2019年9月8日 — 【電腦CPU效能提升】software reporter tool是甚麼? 該怎麼移除 ... 20190611014621 76. 刪除方式很簡單!! 直接右鍵刪除. 但請記得再創立一個假 ...

关闭Software Reporter Tool 原创

2021年8月30日 — Software Reporter Tool是一个Chrome清理工具,用于清理谷歌浏览器中不必要或恶意的扩展,应用程序,劫持开始页面等等。当你安装Chrome时, ...

解決Chrome 的software_reporter_tool.exe 佔用CPU 使用問題

software_reporter_tool.exe 是Chrome 內建的清理工具 執行期間CPU 使用率會很高 如果想解放CPU 可以依照下面的操作 停用這個功能


Youcouldrenameordeletesoftware_reporter_tool.exe,butGooglewillreplaceit,sothat'sonlyatemporarysolution.Instead,wecanchangethe ...,Delete.Youdonothavepermissiontodeletemessagesinthisgroup.Copylink.Reportmessage.Showoriginalmessage.Eitheremailaddressesareanonymousfor ...,2023年9月6日—Youmayremove,uninstallordeletethecontentsoftheentirefolderorrenametheexecutableitselftodisabletheSoftwareReporter...